Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Austin 2 week check-up

Today we has Austin's 2 week check up. He is a growing healthy boy! We talked about his straining to go #2, and how he might just outgrow that...we will see. Dr. C said we can up the antacids or try new ones, but I think we might just hold off for now...he does not see to mind the vomiting that much:/

Here are the stats:
Head Circ-36.5cm-31%

We are going to wait to start immunizations at 2 months, and then follow the same delayed schedule that we did with Gavin.

Dr. C said Austin looks very healthy and strong!

Next appointment 2 months.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

2 Weeks

Dear Baby Austin,

On Friday you turned two weeks old. It sure seems like you have been in this world a lot longer than two weeks…you fit right in with our family, and you love to just watch your brother!

You have your days and nights a little confused, so we are working on that! Trying to keep you awake during the day and sleep at night…keeping you awake when you want to sleep is pretty hard! Hopefully you come around and figure out that you are supposed to sleep at NIGHTJ

You are now nursing every 2 to 3 hours…most of the time every 2 hours, but sometimes every three hours. We have tried and tried again to get you to take the pacifier, but you want nothing to do with it. Its funny because I didn’t even want you to like it so that you never got attached to it like your brother did, but it sure would be nice if you could take it! Oh well, it’s a good thing you don’t like it! You might one day, so we will see.

You seem to be pooping regularly now, and only strain really hard a few times a day…not nearly as much as last week. Maybe it was from the dairy? Not sure. You definitely are a spitty baby…you spit up ALL the time. And it is serious too…out the nose and you scream so loud! Poor guy! We got some Zantac to see if it might help, and we tried it last night for the first time…you hated it, and screamed even more. You did not spit up after it, so maybe it helped. We will give it a few days to see if it helps with the spit-up. We can’t lay you down for a good hour after you eat, EVER, or you will spit up a lot. You need to be upright a lot, and that helps. If only I could sleep sitting up holding you!

You are awake more now, and watch whats going on around here. Your brother entertains you a lot, and you just watch him move around. I love it! Can’t wait until you guys can play together:)

Your brother has a little cold, and is coughing all over everything, including you….so we will see if you get sick! We are trying to teach him to cover his mouth, but it’s a hard one to learn…sorry Austin!

You are such a sweet little guy…you are the best little cuddler, and you make the cutest little noises…we especially love it when you laugh in your sleep…its such a real laugh, and its so sweet! We love you to pieces Austin!

Saturday, February 25, 2012

First Bath

I cannot believe that it took TWO entire weeks for your cord stump to fall off! Gavin’s came off in less than a week…so we were a little surprised!

Your first real bath was actually in the BIG bathtub with your brother last night!!! Gavin was SO excited once your “umbutical cord” fell off, and we promised him you guys could take a bath together. He was so so so excited to wash you! He was very gentle and he washed your hair and legsJ

We didn’t get any pics because it was a family effort. Your Daddy held you while Momma and Gavin washed you…and you were completely silent! You LOVED it so much! You have been wailing nonstop during your sponge baths for the last 2 weeks, so this was a HUGE change! We were so excited that you like to be in the waterJ

Tonight we gave you a bath in the baby bath, to see if you liked it…and you sure did. The only part you hate it getting out and drying off!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Feeling better

Today Austin seems to feel a little better...he needs a little "rectal stimulation" to help him go potty once or twice throughout the day...just take a rectal temp, which he does NOT like! Since this morning, he has had about 3 BM's without any help...that's great!

We went back to see the doctor this morning. His weight was up from yesterday, 8lbs 5.5oz, so that was great to see....that means that all the vomiting is not causing any harm.

We talked about milk allergy, me being on a strict no diary diet, and starting zantac if we thought it would help. We tried zantac with Gav, but it did not help. We may try it in a few days if he is still vomiting so much after I have had no diary...we will see.

No big deal, no dairy for me, just need to get used to it again! Off to Whole Foods to get my special non-diary butter, mayo, cheese, and snacks! Yumm!!!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Stupid dairy!

Poor little Austin. I had a gut feeling that dairy may be an issue with him, but we had to learn the hard way.

The past 2 days he has been constipated. He tries so hard to go potty, but can't get it out. Up all night crying and in pain. To add on to that, he spits up (projectile) every time he pushes so hard...and he cries in pain. So hard to see him in pain.

Then to add on to a baby in pain, our furnace broke last night...and it was pretty cold! Thank GOD Derek is a genius, and was able to fix it...he was up until about 3am, but he finally got it to work....we are so lucky that he takes such great care of us.

I took Austin into the doctor first thing this morning. After doing a rectal exam, he pooped...and felt better. But to be safe, she ordered him to have an ultrasound of his belly to rule out any big stuff.

US showed that he had a lot of gas pockets, but no intussusception or pyloric stenosis, the big bad stuff. We were so thankful. But he is still trying so hard to go to the bathroom...and has so much gas/vomiting. Doctor thinks that it is most likely a milk protein intolerance, just like Gavin had. I had a feeling. I just feel so bad that I have been eating dairy...I feel like I should have just cut it out before I had him...:(

So today is day #1 with no dairy. Its no big deal for me, I just hope it gets out of my system asap so he can feel better.

On the positive side, he has gained some good weight:) 8lbs 4oz today. He passed his birth weight, so we know he is getting enough....I just hope all that weight was not poop!

We go back to see doctor tomorrow morning, to check on his issue.

I am so tired, so is baby. Hoping for some sleep tonight!

Monday, February 20, 2012

Sweet Boy

I could not resist this sweet face. I guess this was Austin's first official photo shoot...I took about 100 shots, and here are my two favorites:) There is no need to even edit them...he is so perfect.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Can't escape!

The night I went into labor, Arnie was doing all sorts of weird things....including hiding in really strange spots throughout the house and garage. Maybe he knew his world was going to become a little more crazy? Or that any "Arnie time" would be out the window for a while? Who knows, but here is where he has been sleeping lately....

What we are up to these days...

Staying in our jammies most of the day. Lots of cooking with Daddy. One million kisses for baby Austin. Making "sand-cakes" outside. Lots of napping/nursing. More Curious George episodes than normal. Lots of Gavin and Daddy time. Gavin, Austin and I are so lucky to have Daddy home from work!

Gavin 2 weeks--Austin 1 week

Friday, February 17, 2012

Austin's First Nicknames

Here is what we have heard Gavin calling Austin over the last few days....This comes straight out of Gavin's mouth!

When Austin is awake and happy/moving around: "Hey you, Mr. WILD MAN!"

When Austin is awake and not happy: "Look at you Mr. FUSSY PANTS!"

When Austin is nursing: "Austin is THE NURSING MAN!"

When Austin is making noises/coo'ing: "He is LAUGHING at me!"

When I need to change Austin's diaper...."Momma we ALREADY DID that 40 minutes ago!" (Gavin's world of time)

Thursday, February 16, 2012

One week with Austin

Baby Austin is one week old as of 4:54am tomorrow morning! While I can't believe that it has been a whole week....I also feel like it has been 6 months. I guess thats what happens when you get zero sleep for so many nights.

Right now, Austin is sleeping soundly right next to me, in my bed, where he has been since he was born. GASP, yep, co-sleeping is what he has been doing, and it has been working out so much better so far. Oh, AND he is on his tummy....I know, breaking all the "rules" but its OK. I know he will not sleep in this bed forever, probably only a little while longer, until he can go longer stretches without nursing. But for now, when he wants to nurse so frequently, it makes sense. Plus he sleeps SO much better on my chest, skin to skin. He is a newborn...I think this is what he is supposed to do. So for now, I will enjoy this one on one snuggle/sleeping pattern, as it will not last much longer.

Austin's mood has changed dramatically since my milk came in. He is happy between feedings, and now spitting up some milk here and there...so we know he is getting plenty. Oh, and all the mess has started too...like spitting up, then leaking out of the diaper, then poop explosions....yep all of them happened last night all in a row! I forgot how messy it gets! Breast milk everywhere! I know, TMI, but its the truth. If you are reading this and don't have children, sorry!

Gavin has been very interested in Austin's nursing, and he calls him "The NURSING MAN!" HAHAHA its so funny, we have no idea where he got that, but its so true! He is the nursing man for sure. Gavin giggles every time he says it too. So funny. Gavin also still says he has a baby in his tummy...and its not big enough to come out yet. I guess we told him that for so long, that he now thinks he has one too. The kisses and "nose-kisses" for baby Austin are endless...he needs to kiss him each and every time he sees him. It melts my heart.

I knew the day would come when I would feel guilt for needing to give baby A so much attention, and that day is here. I think I feel so bad because Gavin is just so darn sweet and understanding, and I never thought a 2 yr old would behave so "maturely" with a new sibling! It is just so sweet, and every time I need to leave to go feed baby or sleep, Gavin always gives me a hug and kiss and never acts out...he is so good! I feel like we have been saying a lot of "No, don't do that" or "No, don't get too close" a lot to him, and we both hate always telling Gavin what he should not be doing. We need to work on this, as he is never meaning to cause harm. I am hoping for more sleep soon, which means more energy to spend time with Gavin...I miss him. If there was ONE slightly good thing that came out of being on bedrest for so long, it was probably getting Gavin to detach from me a little. Meals, bath, bedtime, and dressing all had to be done by Daddy or Grandma...and this allowed Gavin to detach a little from me. This is probably why he is doing so well sharing me!

New Again...

Well, Derek and I officially feel like new parents again! Just when we thought "we knew it all" something came up that we did not experience with Gavin....actually, Baby Austin is proving to be pretty opposite of Gavin as a baby!

This morning we woke up and noticed that poor little Austin smelled bad! We figured out it was his cord stump (I know, gross!) and it was pretty foul smelling. It did not look red at all, but I thought it could not possibly be normal to smell bad...Gavin's didn't smell, I would remember! Of course, I think infection, and call Dr. C. She had us come in this morning (20 minutes later! I LOVE this office:) to see him....just in case. It turns out that it "does not even smell that bad" !!! YUCK. She said that she has smelled a LOT worse...and since it does not appear infected, then its pretty normal! Hmm, so we are to use alcohol pads to wipe it clean, to prevent the smell, but we don't have to. Of course I am glad we took him in just to be safe...I would have been worried all day that "the infection" was spreading in his body:)

Again, we totally feel like newbies again...and I guess it proves that no baby is alike!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Baby Austin comes home!

We got home with baby Austin on 2/12/12, and you have been so in love with him. You want to do everything he does, and know about him at all times. You are so gentle with him, and love to help out! We are so lucky!

"Davin" phrases

"Momma no talking on phone, it makes Davin nervous!"

"Momma hair smells like yucky!"

"Momma belly getting TOOOOO big!!!!"

Gavin what are you doing in my bed? "Ohh just relaxing"

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

{Gavin 30 Months} 2.5 YEARS!

Dear Big Brother Gavin,

Today you turn two and a half! You are also a new big brother...and we just got home with your baby brother 2 days ago....what exciting changes!!!

You have been the worlds best big brother to Austin. You love him, kiss him, and want to know AT ALL TIMES where he is and what he is doing. You are so sweet to him. You know you need to be gentle, and sometimes a little quiet...and you are so good about it! We are just so proud of you and how big you are...and we could not ask for a better big brother to Austin...he sure is a lucky boy!

Since we got home from the hospital, Momma and Austin have been spending a LOT of time in bed, nursing baby and sleeping...and you seem to really understand this. You do not seem to care that momma needs to spend time with Austin, and you have not even had one single melt down about it...we thought you might get jealous, but of course, you have not. You help us with feeding and changing, and you are SO proud of yourself. We are proud too. If I had to count, I would say you have already given baby Austin about 300 kisses:)

We just had "Cincinnati Ma" here for a few weeks, and I think having her leave to go home was the biggest adjustment in the past few days! You miss her so much, and talk about her every time you pass "Ma's room." You had a blast with her the entire time, and we are so thankful that she was able to come help out...thankfully we get to "see her" often with face time:)

You continue to blow us away with your vocabulary and the things you say. Not a THING gets by you, and you sure tell us about it! You also don't forget a THING, and will remind us if we forget. Your memory is better than your parents!

You continue to eat everything, and you continue to sleep very well. You get up every morning with Daddy, and you guys get to make breakfast together and then watch your favorite CG show and play with toys. You love your daddy so much...you guys are best friends. Its so sweet to watch:)

Gavin I hope you know how incredibly proud we are of you. We smile and laugh all day long with you, and there is never a boring moment in our lives. Thank you for being you, and making us so happy:)

Love Always-

Friday, February 10, 2012

Big Brother Gavin!!!

Baby Austin Joseph Moore was born on 2/10/12 at 4:54am. 7lbs 9oz and 19.5inches long! Momma and baby are both doing great!!!

Monday, February 6, 2012

Books with Ma

We have been so happy to have "Cincinnati Ma" here for the past week. Gavin has been in show off heaven, and does not leave her side most of the day. When he naps in the afternoon, he wakes up and RUNS out of his room asking if Ma is "back from her long long walk" :) He came down with a yucky cold this weekend, so we have been taking it easy...lots of cartoons and books.