Sunday, February 26, 2012

2 Weeks

Dear Baby Austin,

On Friday you turned two weeks old. It sure seems like you have been in this world a lot longer than two weeks…you fit right in with our family, and you love to just watch your brother!

You have your days and nights a little confused, so we are working on that! Trying to keep you awake during the day and sleep at night…keeping you awake when you want to sleep is pretty hard! Hopefully you come around and figure out that you are supposed to sleep at NIGHTJ

You are now nursing every 2 to 3 hours…most of the time every 2 hours, but sometimes every three hours. We have tried and tried again to get you to take the pacifier, but you want nothing to do with it. Its funny because I didn’t even want you to like it so that you never got attached to it like your brother did, but it sure would be nice if you could take it! Oh well, it’s a good thing you don’t like it! You might one day, so we will see.

You seem to be pooping regularly now, and only strain really hard a few times a day…not nearly as much as last week. Maybe it was from the dairy? Not sure. You definitely are a spitty baby…you spit up ALL the time. And it is serious too…out the nose and you scream so loud! Poor guy! We got some Zantac to see if it might help, and we tried it last night for the first time…you hated it, and screamed even more. You did not spit up after it, so maybe it helped. We will give it a few days to see if it helps with the spit-up. We can’t lay you down for a good hour after you eat, EVER, or you will spit up a lot. You need to be upright a lot, and that helps. If only I could sleep sitting up holding you!

You are awake more now, and watch whats going on around here. Your brother entertains you a lot, and you just watch him move around. I love it! Can’t wait until you guys can play together:)

Your brother has a little cold, and is coughing all over everything, including you….so we will see if you get sick! We are trying to teach him to cover his mouth, but it’s a hard one to learn…sorry Austin!

You are such a sweet little guy…you are the best little cuddler, and you make the cutest little noises…we especially love it when you laugh in your sleep…its such a real laugh, and its so sweet! We love you to pieces Austin!

1 comment:

  1. Happy 2 weeks baby Austin! It has been great getting to spend time with you and the test of the are a perfect addition to the Moore's!

    Gavin...we hope you feel better really soon! KK misses you so much when you are sick!

    Michele...hoe you have a great 1st week at home with both boys to yourself. Let me know when a good time Os to get together again! Hugs!
