I keep forgetting to write this down! Baby A now has 7 teeth! He has the top two and bottom two, and three more poking through on the sides. This has all happened in the last few weeks...he has such a silly smile now;) Oh, and to add to his new teeth? A chipped one! Yep, he has a slight chip in the top tooth...no idea how, but I assume it happened when he constantly tries to eat the ground. He just dives down, mouth open, and tries to eat whatever he sees. I guess he was not used to his new teeth, and they got in his way;) Not sure he will ever learn to NOT try to eat the hard tile floor. Oh, and one last thing, he bites now. He's not doing it on purpose, he's doing it because it feels good, and his gums hurt...they are so swollen. It really hurts though! Thankfully he has not decided to bite me while nursing...he knows he will get cut from nursing I guess;)
Austin has such a big opinion now. He is super loud, and if he does or does not want something, he will tell you. If he is really mad, he will throw himself on the ground, and have a little baby tantrum. Cute? Kinda I guess...unless you have been the one holding him all day...the kid is not light, and prefers to be held. I think he is 21+ pounds now, so its not easy on my left arm. More later!