Dear Gavin,
Today you are 43 months. You tell everyone that you are "Free and a HALF" and you will be four "soon."
You are up to lots of new things these days. You are very interested in the alphabet, and love letters. You love to name all the letters as we read, and "spell" things for us. You are also into reading us the books. You have them memorized and will read as much as you can. Its so cute!
You have started "Jumps" and "Landing" in gym class. You get to jump from super high places, and you seem to have no fear. You ride the roller coaster at Happy Hollow, and say that you can handle a "big kid coaster" at Great America. We shall see. One thing is for sure, you are not scared of much!
You are really into pancakes these days. Love to make all different kinds, and eat them for every meal. Breakfast for dinner is "so cool" these days.
You still love to read, cook, play in the sand and dirt, ride bikes-scooters-skate board-balance bike, and run. You run fast, and when we play "chase" at Hacienda, I seriously cannot catch you. Very fast and good on your feet.
Still napping every day and sleeping great at night, and still in diapers for naps and bed. In size 4T and some 5T shirts.
You have had a few nightmares the past few wake up screaming "DADA DADA COME DADA!!!!" So your daddy goes to you, and you request your 4 songs...and then you are fine! You don't remember this in the morning, so I think you are still somewhat asleep.
Funny things you said recently:
Gav- "Mama, LOOK! That bird caught me in my eye!!!"
me- "What?? Something is in your eye??"
Gav- "That bird is so pretty, it caught me in my eye!"
me- "Ohh, it caught your eye?"
Gav- "Yes! It caught me in my eye!"
Gav- "Look mama, my hands are starting to get hilthy!!! Oh man, better go wash them!"
Gav- "My earloafs kinda hurt..."
You are a funny guy, and always make us laugh. You love to sing and dance, and you have a nightly routine of dancing to the Wiggles. You and your brother take a fast bath, and hop out really fast so you can dance. You run around the living room naked and dance..and have so much fun.
We love you so so much Gavie!
Momma & Daddy