Saturday, August 10, 2013

{Austin 18 Months}

Dear Austie,

Today you turn 18 months old. My baby boy is a year and a half. Stop growing so fast, I can't take it anymore!

You are such a spunky little guy. You are a complete goof, and you are learning how to put on a show. You will climb something, or do something funny, and then search for our reaction. Then you laugh and laugh and make silly faces. I could seriously eat you up. So cute.

You are still babbling up a storm and we have no clue what you are saying. We continue to repeat your language, and you think thats so funny. Big breakthrough with your speech. This week you decided to repeat what your brother was saying! Gavin was yelling very loudly, and it got my attention. Then YOU decided to copy what he was yelling. It was something like "MAMA MAMA MAMA COME HERE!" and you yelled "MAMA MAMA MAMA MAMA ONNN EEEE!" Its a step baby boy!

Active, wild, crazy, loud, dramatic, funny, snuggly, and sweet are some ways to describe you. You are NEVER quiet, except when you are sleeping. You are still napping twice a day some days, and other days you are able to totally skip that morning nap. It all depends when you wake up. If you wake up at 5:30 or 6am, you need a nap in the morning. If you sleep until close to 7? You are able to wait until 1 to take a nap. I am just letting you wean your nap as you like and need. I am not forcing anything, as I have learned that you guys do things on your own time.

You continue to be a great eater. You will try anything. You don't always eat everything, but you try it. If the bite is too big for you, you just spit it out. I am constantly finding spit out bites all over the place. Lovely. You still take a bottle before naps and bed. Its whole milk, the only way you will drink it is in a bottle. We keep laughing and saying that you look WAY too big to have a bottle. In time, you will give that up too.

Mama anxiety is lessening. As long as you don't see me leave, you are OK. This past week Karina was here to watch you, and you were so happy to be with her. Of course when I came home, you came running and crying to me, as if you wanted me to think you could not stand being without me. Its OK Austin, its OK if you are happy when I am gone! ;)

You are a little interested in the potty, and using it. You are obsessed with flushing the toilet for everyone, and if we are going potty, you MUST be there to flush it. You need to put toilet paper in it too. You have tried to flush your diaper down the toilet a million times. One of these days its gonna get clogged. I am not very fond of fishing diapers out of the toilet all the time.

You still go to bed right at 8pm, sometimes earlier. You sleep through the night, no peeps. You have your blankie that you MUST have, and about 10 stuffed animals and other blankets. You like to pile them up and sleep on top.

Yes, as you can see from the pictures, you are naked 90% of the time. If we are home, you are naked. You are much happier when nude!

Austie, we LOVE you so so so so much. I look at you, and I see perfection. You are just such a sweet and perfect little guy. You are happy, healthy, and so so cute. Just one thing, can you please stop growing up so fast?


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