Monday, September 30, 2013

Self potty training

Enter the world of having an older brother to watch. Austin does EVERYTHING that Gavin does, and wants to be just like him. Its adorable. Especially when he wants to go potty! Austin loves to be naked (shocker) and he goes to the bathroom to pee every 20 minutes. He is hardly "potty trained" at this point, but I am sure if he really wanted to be, he would. I still throw on a diaper when we are out, as he is always too busy to care about going potty. 

Wednesday, September 18, 2013


What a week we had...not the best when it comes to getting hurt!

First Gavin got hurt at school on Friday. He was walking across a log and fell onto a bush of stinging nettle. He got out as fast as he could, but it was too late. The stingers got his entire arm and his leg. He was SCREAMING so incredibly loud, and was in so much pain. I felt terrible. I was not near him when it happened, so that made me feel even worse. He spent the afternoon at school crying and hurt. As soon as we got home we put baking soda on it, and that seemed to help. Poor guy! By dinnertime he was totally fine.

OK, then the next one...oh my, I still feel terrible about this one! We were making homemade applesauce and Austin wanted to help. As we were transferring the hot apples to the blender, Austin switched it on before I could get the lid on. The boiling apples flew everywhere, and landed in his poor arm! We ran to the sink to rinse off as fast as we could, but it was too late. After he calmed down from that, Daddy got home, and the boys went to work in the garden. As they were picking hot peppers, Austin put the entire thing in his mouth and tried to eat it! The screaming that followed that was very loud. So poor Austin had a burned arm and burning lips. I checked on him throughout the night because I knew it was a second degree burn, and I was scared it was going to blister up. Thankfully it never did, and it just turned very dark red with blotchy areas of what looks like bruises. Its definitely a second degree burn, and I feel TERRIBLE! (I did clinical in nursing school at the Shriner's Hospital for burned children....WORST things I have ever seen....seriously, worst fears.) He has been rubbing at it and pointing to it every once in a while. SORRY AUSTIE!

I am hoping for a less intense week!

First pic is Gav's Stinging Nettle treatment. Second is Austin after the hot pepper eating.

Dancing & Tantrum movies

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Playdate with Maddie & Charlotte

Today we headed up to San Mateo to Madeleine and Charlotte's house. Gavin was looking forward to this, as he LOVES Maddie and he always has fun with her. Immediately the "big kids' were off having fun. They made a bed outside, and it was complete with snacks and drinks. Austin got to meet a bunch of babies and play with all the baby toys. By the end of the day there were 6 nurses there with all their children! It was loud, but fun:)

Saturday, September 14, 2013

{Gavin 49 Months}

Dear Gavin,

You are a month older and things are really getting fun! Your imagination is WILD and sometimes we have no idea what is going on around here! You set up concerts, shows, sports events, cooking shows, and much much more. You are always telling us what you have planned for the day and what we are supposed to do.

You invite everyone you know over to watch the shows too. Teachers, friends, people passing by on the street. Someone is alive, and you are asking them if they want to "come over tonight." I am still not sure if this is good or very very bad!

You say the funniest stuff too. Sometimes words that you have yet to really learn. Like when you said, "Hey daddy, did you forget to put your tomcats in???" (contacts). Or when you say "OH, no, don't touch that! It has chem-i-nickels in it!" There are many more, and I need to start writing them down.

You are also into pointing out the truth these days. To the little only lady neighbor across the street this morning, "Wow, you are really short!!!" and to the UPS man, "You are SUPER fast when you deliver the packages! Just like MARK the mailman! Why does the Fed EXXXXXX guy walk so slow???" Seriously, you tell everyone the truth, and I am sometimes hiding behind the car when you start to talk.

You are loving school and loving the "no nap" deal. You usually always fall asleep on the way to and or home from school....but "you are old now, and don't need a nap" you say. On the days you are not in school you still nap for a good few hours. (Even though you always say, "Im just gonna have a little quiet time Momma") Never fail, you are asleep in seconds.

You and your brother are playing a lot better these are slowly teaching Austin how to share, and he is understanding. Its is amazing to watch you teach him these things...because he really listens to you. He wants to do everything you do, and be exactly like you. Sometimes scary as he is still only one and you are four.

Thank you for being you!

We love you Gav!


Friday, September 13, 2013

Morning rides

Since Gavin does not have school until the afternoon, we have been spending a lot of time at home in the mornings. Well, we are not really inside. Its still so warm out that we spend it outside. Lately, Gavin has become very good at driving the jeep. We actually go on hour long walks to different "jobs" that Gavin has. He will tell me he has a job, and we need to go to it. We drive all around the neighborhood, and that's how I drink my coffee in peace. I walk behind them! They stop for different jobs, and things to see. If we see a dog in a yard, we have to stop to pet it. If we see ANY sort of construction, we need to go talk to the workers. One morning we had to stop at an apple tree to pick apples to make applesauce. The boys picked about 15 apples, and we promptly went home and made cinnamon apple sauce. It was very good! (We followed Gavin's directions, and he did all the chopping and mixing) 

**I believe that it was OK to pick the apples. A TON had fallen off the tree and they were rotting (all over the sidewalk) we assume that the people who own the tree do not want them? Either way, that's how I explained it to Gavin after we knocked on their door and they were not home. 

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

{Austin 19 Months}

Dear Austie,

I don't have much time to write this. Why? Because you are the most ACTIVE kid in this world. If I leave you alone for a few minutes, it better include 20 snacks to keep you busy so you do not get into trouble. Trouble is what you are!

Just today I came into the kitchen, and found you with a bag of marshmallows. We had planned to make rice crispy treats, but oh no, not anymore! You ate almost the entire bag of LARGE marshmallows! You smiled at me and laughed, then ran as fast as you could. THIS is an example of why my time is spent watching you like a hawk 24/7. If I am not watching your every move, I better be prepared to deal with GOD knows what!

You are saying more these days. You say "Where'd it go????" all the time. You yell my name and dada all day long....and when Ma is around you only yell her name. We will hear you outside just yelling, "MAAAAAAAAA, MMMMAAAAAAA!!!!!" until you get her attention. Oh my. Uh oh, mmm want dat, and teeeee (kitty) are some others. Glad you are finally finding some words instead of "UH UH UH UH!!!!"

You are going peepee on the potty about 10 times a day. Totally prompted by you. Every time we go potty, you have to too. I still have a diaper on you because you also go #2 about 5 times a day...and I am not ready to deal with that all over!

You are also learning to ride the balance bike. You ride it all over and when you start to fall you laugh and say "WOAH" in a silly voice. I could watch and listen to this all day long. So incredibly cute.

You sleep one nap a day now. We really have to work hard to keep you entertained all morning otherwise you will lay down and pass out. (We need you to nap while Gavin is in school so you are awake when we pick him up!) Sorry for the forceful nap times, but you deal just fine. You are sleeping at night 7:30pm to 6am. Sometimes earlier, and thats NO FUN!

Size 4 diapers. Size 2T clothes. Size 7W shoes. Around 26pounds. Tall and lean. Still have rubber band wrists....but so does your brother! :)

One last thing. The cheeks. OH MY THE CHEEKS! When you run they bounce up and down. They even bounce when you walk. I kiss and squeeze them all day long. They probably hurt!

LOVE YOU Austie!!!!


Monday, September 9, 2013

First day of school in the 4/5's class!

Today is a big day for Gavin....his first day of school in the 4/5's! This means that he is in the oldest class in the school!!! He is still the absolute youngest in his class (many of his classmates are 5) but this is not new, he has always been the youngest in his class! Last year Teacher Angie recommended he go to this class....its one of the most challenging classes...but of course, the most fun. She said Gavin could do it! Another special bonus...his two teachers are Teacher Angie (who he had last year and loves) and Teacher Marie. Teacher Marie was DEREK'S teacher when he was 4!

Gavin was SO excited to put on his "work shoes" and get ready for school. (his new shoes are a size 12!!!) We got ready, packed extra clothes and snacks, creek boots, and a water bottle. He was set!

Off we drove to meet Lisa, Ryan, Tania and Elise at the parking lot. Gavin ran out of my car, climbed up in Lisa's car (She goes mondays) and he said "BYE Momma! I will make sure I show Teacher Angie where we can find a banana slug!" 

No tears, no nothing! He was so happy! I was a little stunned. They pulled out of the parking lot and Austin was in my arms whining because he REALLY wanted to go. I was still in shock. I know its not that big of a deal, but last year he had a really hard time leaving he is so so SO grown up. I can't believe my eyes! I felt a little sad leaving without him, but then I remembered how incredibly excited he was. It made me so happy. Proud too. Very proud. 

So here is the big 4 year old going to school!


Sunday, September 8, 2013

Busy last week of summer

This past week was pretty busy....we were just enjoying the last week before school starts! Well, school starts next week and so does gym class and soccer practice. We will have each and every day of the week with something to do. Let the busy days begin!

This week it was Mark the mailman's birthday. Gavin made him a card and some blueberry muffins. We set it out on the mailbox...and Mark got it when he delivered a package! Gavin was so happy...he loves Mark:)

We just spent the rest of the week hanging out at Ma's house swimming...this created some very tired boys...and Austin decided he only will nap in my bed or the big bed in his thats what he does! Is this the start to growing out of his crib??? We will see. We are trying to keep him in there as long as possible. 

Gavin got a crayon maker this week, something he has been wanting for a long time. He really wanted to go to a crayon factory to see how they make them, but we could not find one;( So we bought our own maker, and he went to town. He has probably made about 50 batches of crayons....loves it!

Gavin also got his Halloween costume in the mail. This is the first year I have actually bought one! Every year before we either got one from a grandma or I found them at garage sales. This year Gavin had a preference of what he wanted to be...a scary dragon. So AmazonPrime came to the rescue. 

Last but not least was our many many park dates this week. On Friday we went over to Lincoln Glen Park and there was a guy from the Mercury News taking pictures of the kids. He took about 500 pics of the kids running around in the water fountain. Unfortunately they did not make the paper. Better luck next time!

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Wiggles Movies!!!

Swimming Movie

Gavin is such a great swimmer now. He can swim across the pool without help, and he can dive to the bottom to get rings and toys. He loves to wear his snorkel gear too...we are ready for Maui!

Friday, September 6, 2013

The Wiggles

Tonight we went to see the Wiggles live in concert! Gavin has been in love with the Wiggles for so long now, and we decided to get some front row seats to the concert for his big birthday present. He knew he had to wait a month past his birthday to get his present, and he was so patient. We counted the months, days, and hours until this night! 

Gavin was smack dab right in front of the stage. He was in absolute amazement of everything. He sat down, and barely moved the entire time. Its like he was in a dream. He was soaking it all in. 

The Wiggles played all of his favorite songs, and they were super silly too...Gavin was laughing so so hard during the funny parts. He thought it was the coolest thing in the world. 

A few times he got up to dance (opposite of him at home....usually all he does is dance to the Wiggles) and we were right underneath the stage. Emma came down to get the flowers that the kids brought, and Gavin got to meet her. He brought flowers from the garden, and was so excited to give them to her. 

Austin probably sat still the most he has ever sat still in his life. He was open mouth SO amazed for so long. Then the dancing. He was hopping and dancing on our lap and under the stage. He was thrilled to be in the crowd!

This was a really fun night. I am so glad that the boys had so much fun. The smiles on their faces were priceless!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Official snorkeler

Ever since Gav has learned to swim, he has LOVED to use his snorkel gear! We got him his very first US Divers set, in anticipation of our November trip to Maui:) He will float around in the pool for hours just checking out the bottom and using his gear. He is SO SO excited to use them in the ocean!

Gavin's 4yr & Austin's 18mo Appointment

Today was the big appointment for the boys....4 years and 18 mo! Gavin was VERY curious if he needed shots...and I decided to wait until the appointment to tell him...he would have been too anxious otherwise.

He asked the secretary, the nurse, and the lady walking down the hallway (a patient:) if he needed shots. He was nervous!

We did Austin first. He looks, sounds, and is perfect. He has a few words (Dr. C said a few is better than none;) and he is as active as ever. He loves to pretend play and he gets along well with others (As long as they are not taking his toys from him!) He eats just about whatever we put out in front of him, and he is nice and healthy. Here are the stats:

Head Circ-47.5cm (50%)
Height-34in (80%)
Weight-25pounds (60%)

We talked about his very strong will and stubbornness...and thats a normal part of development. He knows what he wants and when he wants it. There is no compromise! Testing limits is one thing he knows for sure!

He loves to stack blocks, pretend talk on the phone, turns pages of books, uses his spoon and fork, and had great eye contact. Thats usually when I know he is up to no good....he makes good eye contact for a second and then runs. Like he is telling on himself. :)

Next it was Gavin's turn. Gavin did things a little different this year. He had his blood pressure checked!!! He reads all about this in his books, so he was super excited. 97/50....a perfect 4 year old pressure:)

Next he was checked out by Dr. C. This was the first time he did not sit still....he was laughing so hard because it "tickled" when she had to press on his belly. 

Gavin looked great and is developing right where he should be. Eats well, sleeps well, naps, and plays hard. He chats up a storm, and Dr. C said she could understand everything he was saying. Here are the stats:

Weight-40pounds (80%)
Height-43inches (90%)
BMI-15 (49%)
Blood pressure-97/50

Then it was shot time. Oh sweet lord. Austin went first. Got two in the thigh (DTap and Hep B) and he wailed so loud. He was NOT happy and continued to cry into Gavin's turn. Gavin got three shots in his arms (boosters of Polio, MMR, DTap) and he was so funny. He started to try to reason with Kim the nurse immediately. He told her "Oh, its OK, I don't need three. I only need one. Here, just do it very gentle....its OK, I don't need all those" HAHA! She did one, and he started to cry, and then he said "OK, I am done, no more!" Poor guy. Had two more, and those ones sting! (I just had my boosters last week, and they hurt for days!) So then we have Austin AND Gavin screaming at the top of their lungs! Nice! Kim quickly calmed them down with suckers. Phew!

Lastly, Gavin completely forgot why he was crying when Kim asked him if he could come do some "games" with her. She took him into a room to do his hearing and vision tests. He did great, 100% at both. He even asked her if he could do it again. 

A very special thank you to Ma for coming along with us. At one point when they were both screaming, I thought, Hmm, I am so thankful that Ma is here!!!

I snapped one pic before the chaos. 

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Happy Birthday Ma!

Today we celebrated Ma's birthday!!! Gavin worked hard all weekend planning to make her cake and present. He likes to write down his "plans for the day" now, so this was very well planned ahead. He made here a chocolate cake with chocolate icing and chicken enchiladas for dinner. Gavin and Austin also made her a birthday painting....took them all afternoon to make them "perfect." :) 

We went to Ma's house and went for a swim and had a nice dinner. We sure are SO lucky to have her in our lives. She is the best!