Friday, September 13, 2013

Morning rides

Since Gavin does not have school until the afternoon, we have been spending a lot of time at home in the mornings. Well, we are not really inside. Its still so warm out that we spend it outside. Lately, Gavin has become very good at driving the jeep. We actually go on hour long walks to different "jobs" that Gavin has. He will tell me he has a job, and we need to go to it. We drive all around the neighborhood, and that's how I drink my coffee in peace. I walk behind them! They stop for different jobs, and things to see. If we see a dog in a yard, we have to stop to pet it. If we see ANY sort of construction, we need to go talk to the workers. One morning we had to stop at an apple tree to pick apples to make applesauce. The boys picked about 15 apples, and we promptly went home and made cinnamon apple sauce. It was very good! (We followed Gavin's directions, and he did all the chopping and mixing) 

**I believe that it was OK to pick the apples. A TON had fallen off the tree and they were rotting (all over the sidewalk) we assume that the people who own the tree do not want them? Either way, that's how I explained it to Gavin after we knocked on their door and they were not home. 

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