Wednesday, September 18, 2013


What a week we had...not the best when it comes to getting hurt!

First Gavin got hurt at school on Friday. He was walking across a log and fell onto a bush of stinging nettle. He got out as fast as he could, but it was too late. The stingers got his entire arm and his leg. He was SCREAMING so incredibly loud, and was in so much pain. I felt terrible. I was not near him when it happened, so that made me feel even worse. He spent the afternoon at school crying and hurt. As soon as we got home we put baking soda on it, and that seemed to help. Poor guy! By dinnertime he was totally fine.

OK, then the next one...oh my, I still feel terrible about this one! We were making homemade applesauce and Austin wanted to help. As we were transferring the hot apples to the blender, Austin switched it on before I could get the lid on. The boiling apples flew everywhere, and landed in his poor arm! We ran to the sink to rinse off as fast as we could, but it was too late. After he calmed down from that, Daddy got home, and the boys went to work in the garden. As they were picking hot peppers, Austin put the entire thing in his mouth and tried to eat it! The screaming that followed that was very loud. So poor Austin had a burned arm and burning lips. I checked on him throughout the night because I knew it was a second degree burn, and I was scared it was going to blister up. Thankfully it never did, and it just turned very dark red with blotchy areas of what looks like bruises. Its definitely a second degree burn, and I feel TERRIBLE! (I did clinical in nursing school at the Shriner's Hospital for burned children....WORST things I have ever seen....seriously, worst fears.) He has been rubbing at it and pointing to it every once in a while. SORRY AUSTIE!

I am hoping for a less intense week!

First pic is Gav's Stinging Nettle treatment. Second is Austin after the hot pepper eating.

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