Friday, February 6, 2009

12 Weeks

Friday was officially 12 weeks, and not much has changed. I still am experiencing morning sickness, but it is called night sickness in my case. Every evening at about 6pm, I feel nauseous and don't want to eat dinner. I know I need to but it just sounds so unappealing. It is really not that bad anymore and I am hoping that it goes away soon! Everyone keeps telling me "Oh as soon as you start the second trimester it will go away" and so I wait. This IS the last week of my "first trimester" so I am keeping my fingers crossed that the "night sickness" may soon be over! I have also been having some pretty strange dreams....I mean really weird! Most are about the baby, and most are pretty much impossible in real life. Some of them are pretty funny....but again, weird! I guess its normal to go through this....must be the hormones?

Work has been going well, I recently started my role as "charge nurse" on my unit, and like it so far! It is probably one of the most challenging roles I have had as a nurse because it is a LOT more responsibility than just the usual 3 patient load. Having the responsibility of all the nurses and all the patients on the unit is sometimes overwhelming...So I have to put my trust in my fellow nurses and manager! I have been pretty busy in this new role, but I think it has been nice to get my mind off my queasy stomach! I am not sure if I have mentioned that there are SEVEN PREGNANT nurses at work! Yes, seven. One of them just had her baby a few days ago, the next 4 are due in June, I am due in August, and one due in October! It has been so nice to have fellow pregnant nurses around because we all can talk about everything...I mean everything! The four that are due in June are just 8 weeks ahead of me, so I am able to ask them lots of questions and relate to them....I also know exactly what to expect in the weeks ahead!

Last but not least I think it may be time to put away my "normal jeans." Normally on my days off work I am running around in yoga/sweatpants and they are nice and stretchy. At work I wear scrub pants that have elastic (hot huh!?) in the back to they are nice and stretchy. The past few weekends I have needed to wear my jeans to go out and have found that they are not very comfortable any more. So thanks to my sister I started putting a rubber-band around the button to make them bigger....until the other day when the rubber band BROKE! Haha kinda funny it happened right after lunch and I didn't have another one, so I just squeezed my belly back in...I think the solution is bigger rubber-bands:)

Baby Development This Week:
Developing reflexes! Fingers are opening and closing. Toes will curl. Mouth begins making sucking movements. Even though I cannot feel, if I prod my belly the baby will squirm in response! Last but not least the kidneys are excreting urine into the bladder. Baby is just over 2 inches long (size of a lime) and weighs 1/2 an ounce...

1 comment:

  1. A little lime... its getting so big so fast!!!
