Monday, September 28, 2009


I just got home from running a few errands and wanted to share my frustrating story...I had to stop at 2 places, the post office(where I could just drive through) and Target. I have only been to Target a few times with G as I don't think he should be around lots of people yet. We walked in Target and he was in his seat in the stroller...with the shade up because he was sleeping. A really loud lady came up to me and asked me if there was a baby in my stroller. Duh lady, I said yes. Then she proceeded to PULL THE SHADE DOWN TO TOUCH GAVIN-WITHOUT EVEN ASKING ME! ACK! I about had a hear attack, and swiped her hand. Yep, that's right I smacked her hand as she was about to TOUCH HIS FACE! OMG! I politely told her that I would appreciate it if she did not touch, just look. She looked at me and said "Oh, OK, I could do that." Sheesh! I could not believe it!

Ever since Gavin was born I have been a little more of a "germ freak" than normal, but rightfully so. The day after he was born the pediatrician said the most important thing we can do is keep him from getting sick these first few months...and whats the easiest way to do this???? WASH YOUR HANDS!!! We all know that this is the biggest way to prevent the spread of infection (Yes, I am a nurse) But why does no one think to do it??? I guess people forget, and I understand that. That's why I am his GERM FREAK MOTHER, PLEASE WASH YOUR HANDS:)

My poor nephew Griffin is in the ER right now due to an asthma attack due to a cold, that he probably got from someone NOT WASHING THEIR HANDS! I know, I know, kids get colds. I get that. BUT there are SO many new bugs out there, and a lot of them are resistant to many antibiotics...not to mention the SWINE FLU that has already killed 2 infants where I work. Some will say "well I never had to worry about this when I was young..." or "I never washed my hands all the time when I had kids..." and I just have to remind them that there was no H1N1 then...there were not NEARLY as many resistant strains of flu out there back then. Not to mention that it is the FIRST line of defense against meningitis, hepatitis, and bronchiolitis. It is different now. People are bringing things back from other countries...People are on WAY more antibiotics than they need to be....and people are abusing antibiotics which leads to resistance. Much more could be said here.

I feel like I am lecturing but I just can't stop thinking about how important it is for us ALL to please, please, please stay in when you are sick. Don't expose people while you are contagious. Keep your kids in when they are sick. WASH YOUR HANDS WHEN YOU ARE SICK. WASH YOUR HANDS WHEN YOU ARE HEALTHY. If you are going to interact with a newborn, infant, toddler, or child, then please wash your hands. No, it does not count if you washed them "before you left home." No, it does not count if you washed them "20 minutes ago." You need to wash them right before you touch them, ANY part of them! It is always better to be safe than sorry.

Ah, I feel better now that I said that, and I hope at least one person reads this and remembers to wash their hands----the CORRECT way:)


  1. Big G (as opposed to little G) is sleeping soundly in his own bed right now after a full body wash, and probably 15 squirts of sanitizer at the hospital.

  2. I make my kiddos sing the "Happy Birthday" song when they wash their hands! Just wanted to let you know I am trying to do my part! ;) and I can't believe that lady tried to touch baby G, seriously do people not have any common sense? love and miss ya'll!
