Tuesday, December 14, 2010

{Gavin 16 Months}

Dear Gavin,

Today you turn 16 months old. I had to think twice about how many months you are now. Seems like 16 is so big. Each month seems to pass too quickly. I know that I have been very good about keeping up with this journal, and that is because I want to be able to remember each and every little thing you do. I know its crazy to want to write all of this down, but one day I will probably be too busy, and will wish I had done this! I love looking back to what you were doing last year at this time. It is so fun for your daddy and I to go back through pictures and posts to see how little you were. To see how much you did not sleep. To see what our worries were at the time. To see how much fun you were. To see what milestones you were reaching. To see when you smiled for the first time. All of it, I want to be able to go back and see. You are and will always be my baby:)

Today you are a very vibrant, energetic, loud, quick, happy, hungry, loving, sweet, and sometimes crazy toddler. I say crazy because you sometimes act a little nuts! You run everywhere, you talk and yell very loud, you put everything in your mouth, and you are very opinionated. You climb up on everything, and you jump out of peoples arms when you are held. Saying you are a hand full is an understatement. We cannot take our eyes off of you for one split second.

You are talking up a storm lately, and imitating sounds we make. This is so fun to see you develop a little language, even if we are the only ones who understand you. I learned from your cousin Griffin, that sometimes only your momma is the one who knows what you are talking about!

You are still a pretty good eater. Although you have started to become very impatient when you sit in your highchair. You only want to sit there for 3 to 5 minutes and then you want out. To compromise, we started playing Baby Einstein on the computer while we eat. Yep, TV while we eat. I admit it. Grandma Podie is gonna die when she reads this. But, I am happy to say that we broke this habit recently. Well sort of. We decided that we will sit down, eat together, and when you are done eating, we will turn on your video so we can eat in peace. Better, right? Whatever works!

A very VERY big change that has happened recently is your nursing routine. Up until a few days ago you had been nursing 4 times a day. First thing, before each nap, and bedtime. Well, you decided to drop your first nap nursing, and you go right to bed. This has been great, as you tell us when you are tired. You walk up to your crib, get your blanket and pacifier, and a nap you take! Just yesterday, you did not want to nurse before your second nap too. You were so tired, and so was I. We were out all day. We came home, I stuck you in your crib, and you were out. When you woke up you were too busy to nurse, so there we have it! We are going to give this a try! Down to 2 nursing sessions a day, morning and night. This transition has been so easy and so smooth. I am extremely happy and proud that I have nursed you for 16 months. I really wanted this for you, for your nutrition, and for the bonding it has created. I have to say that this has been one of the best experiences in the world. I know it is not over, but it may be soon, and I am totally OK with it. I want you to self wean, and that is exactly what you are doing. So simple, and so easy. Could not be more happy about this!

During the daytime, we still spend a lot of time outdoors. It is still not very cold, so we can still go to parks and go for walks. If we play in the yard, you want to play in the big dirt pile. If we play in the garage, you want to play with the bubbles. If we play at the park, you want to play in the sand or wood chips. You love to transport the dirt, sand, and wood chips all around. You are always a huge mess when you are done playing. We are back to 2 or sometimes 3 outfits a day when you play outside. Oh, and I forgot the puddles. If you see one a mile away, you are off running towards it. You will jump and splash in the puddle forever. Then when you are done and all wet, you will look at me and point to your pants as if you want them off! HA! This is what I used to do when I was little;)

We go to Ohio at the end of this week for Christmas, and we are all so excited. We got to spend the holiday with the Donovan's and Gunderson's and this will be you first Christmas in Cincinnati. We can't wait for you to experience some snow:)

Life with you has been all we have ever imagined and more. You make us so very happy, and we know we are blessed to have a happy and healthy you. Thank you for being exactly who you are. We love you Gavie!

Momma & Daddy


  1. Wow...16 months! Seems like just yesterday we were celebrating your 1st birthday! You are doing so great and loving life!

  2. Your Grandma Podie loves you very much also. I am so happy that you are coming to Cincinnati to spend the Holidays with us. Love you and I will see you soon.
