Saturday, December 11, 2010

Poor Boy!

Just when I thought G was getting better, he started to get really fussy and sick again! This time I knew something was not right, so we went to see Dr. C so she could check him out. Turns out I was right, he has a double ear infection! Poor boy:( We started him on antibiotics right away, and already we have seen improvement.

We don't have much going on here this weekend, as G man is not himself yet. One minute he feels better, the next he needs to be held non-stop. We had to cancel a few things, and so now we are just hanging around. We went over to see Meghan and Rusty today (Derek helped Rusty get a new saw and put it together) and Gavin got to play with Brody and Harley (The dogs:) They are always SOO excited to see Gavin, probably because he has food all over his face! Anyways, the dogs are so good with Gavin, its pretty cute to watch!

We are hoping G feels better quick! Oh, and gets some sleep too!


  1. Poor Gavin! We hope he feels better soon!

  2. So sorry that Gavin has a double ear infection. Poor baby and poor mama!
    I hope you guys can get some rest.
