Saturday, February 26, 2011

2 Words

Today Derek and I heard Gavin saying 2 words together! I am not sure if he has done this before, but I think it was the first time! He said "Bath, Wawa" and "No, no, no, kitty!" I will count "No, no, no" as one word:) He says this quite often, especially when he does not want you to do something. He also shrugs his shoulders and moves his arms away from you when you try ti pick him up/put a coat on and he does not want to. After we tell him, "If you want to go outside, you need to put a coat on!" and then he sits down to put it on:) One of his nicknames is little booger, and this is one reason:)

Gavin also has been saying lots of new words. It seems like he at least tries to say whatever we say now. I had no idea that I say "God" a lot, but now I know. (It is something I need to work on!) While putting the laundry in the washer, I looked over and noticed that Gavin was about to dump out the cat food bowl, and then he did. He took off running, and I was cleaning it up. I must have mumbled "Oh God" because he ran up to me and said "Ohhh GAH!"


  1. yay Gavin! Pretty soon you and Kekoa will be chatting away with each other! :)
    So nice to see you guys yesterday! Thanks for coming over and playing with us.

  2. great job G! the "oh god" thing is hilarious! i need to start to watch what i say!!!
