Friday, February 11, 2011

Grandma's HERE & Big boy cereal & Crayons!

Two days ago was just any old day, Gavin had just woke up from his nap, and we were having lunch. I heard someone at the front door, and it was GRANDMA!!! I was in shock! Grandma was here for a surprise visit, for 2 weeks!!! I have always wished that this would happen, but Ohio is pretty far away for this to be an easy task! Gavin was all smiles, and very excited to have his Gma here to play with him non-stop! We are so happy:) (Everyone else was in on the secret but me....)

We have been having fun with Gma, showing her all the fun stuff we do. Parks, walks, play-dates, and Happy Hollow so far...and we have a lot planned for the next few weeks. I will be sure to take lots of pictures!

Here are some of this morning, when Gavin got my bowl of cereal for breakfast. Yes, that is CORN POPS in the bowl. A big treat for Gavin! He is getting so good at eating with the spoon...and LOVES to have a bowl with food for each meal. Then the other pictures are of Gavin coloring with crayons. He is starting to really show an interest in coloring/drawing. The next thing on our list of Gavin Gear to get? An art easel! I also think he would enjoy play-dough and markers....but am I ready for that stuff? He already has purple crayon on his rocking chair...after 10 minutes of having the crayons out. Hmmm. 

*The first picture of him drawing is his "fake smile" that he gives me when I bring out the camera now. I say "Smile Gavin!" and he does that face...He thinks its pretty do we:)

1 comment:

  1. Wow, good job Gavin! Love that he is a budding artist! :)
