Saturday, February 12, 2011

Monkey's first trip to urgent care!

Today Gavin took his first trip to urgent care. We knew this day would come soon enough. To be honest, I thought it would have happened a LONG time ago! BUT we have been lucky, and monkey has never hurt himself...until yesterday.

Yesterday was any old day, and Gavin was his usual self. A total monkey. Running, climbing, and trying to hang on things. Just. like. a. MONKEY! He went to bed, no problem.

Woke up a few times and fussed, but went back to bed.

Woke up at *gasp* 6:30 AM!!!!!! In Gavin world, this is LATE!

Woke up crying (Unusual) and wanted to snuggle (Also unusual). He is normally happy and full speed from the moment he wakes up.

So we cuddled on the couch, and he was acting strange. I tried to lift him up, and his head was like a dead weight on my chest. He could not and would not move his head. And if I did it for him he screamed like he was in severe pain. Grandma and I knew that something was wrong. I called the doctor, and she said to wait to see what happened.

We gave him time, Tylenol, and just cuddled. He was a happy boy as long as he was laying down on me or Grandma. 3 hours passed, and he was still laying. Not wanting to eat, but happy. As long as his head was on our chest. We knew he was not feeling good, so we just let him rest. Gavin and Daddy played....and then he fell asleep on Daddy's chest for over 2 hours! During this time, I called the doctor again and told them that something was wrong and she agreed that he should come in. Of course, my brain starts to think about the worst...meningitis, and his symptoms would fit that perfectly. So we decided to go in at 2:30.

by 2:30, Gavin was able to hold his head up, and was almost back to his usual self. But, he could not look up. Every time we would show him something above him, he would try to look up, and then cry. We knew then that his neck hurt, and it was not a headache. So we went in to the doctor, and she did a very thorough examination. She said that most likely, he just hurt his neck somehow, and he was getting better. We knew that, but of course, wanted to be safe.

A little Motrin, and he is almost back to normal. He is in bed, after a great Mexican dinner....keeping my fingers crossed that he feels better by the morning!

1 comment:

  1. Poor Gavin! So sorry you guys had to go to urgent care! Glad to see he is getting back to normal.
