Thursday, May 26, 2011

Gavin's first Lu'au

I am not sure where to begin about our Lu'au! We decided early in our trip that we wanted to go to one, as I had never been. We found out that the Hyatt next door had one tonight, so we got reservations to go! It was one of the most amazing shows I have ever seen...from the food to the dancing, it was all so neat!

We got there at 5pm, had drinks, and Gavin explored. He got to see a wood carver, and he got to dance with the Hawaiian dancers (with the poi balls). He was trying so hard to swing them around like the dancers did...and he as laughing at himself:)

We had the most delicious dinner, and Gavin and I tried almost everything! We ate sooo much food. Here is the list of what we ate. Tropical fruit, lomi lomi salmon, island fish, huli huli chicken, imu style cooked kalua pig, poi, teriyaki steak, Hawaiian sweet potatoes, coconut lemongrass rice, coconut cream cake, macadamia nut cream tart, and lots of mai tai's!!! Gavin's favorite was the kalua pig! He kept saying meat, over and over! I loved it all...I went back for seconds and thirds! Of course G loved the dessert, and tried each one! 

We sat next to a couple with a little girl Gavin's age, her name was Claire. G and Claire ran around together, and even tried to "pose" together. I asked him to sit by her, and he sat like 5 feet away, and backwards! :)

After dinner we got to watch the hula dance. At first they taught us all some of the dance, and Gavin and I went up on stage. Gavin would NOT let me put him down on the stage, so we had to get off...Phew! These dancers were unbelievable. I was seriously in shock at how amazing the dance was...and as you can see from G's face, we was in awe too! (the very last pic). I did not take any pics of the dance because it was too dark, and I was just so amazed. 

Gavin got tired after a little while, so he went back to the resort with Grandma while Derek and I stayed to watch. It was so nice to sit and relax, and have some drinks during the show! Thank you Grandma for taking care of G:)

1 comment:

  1. So proud of you Michele for trying all the food! :)
    Love Gavin's food face.
