Dear little Austin,
You have been a part of our family for one month now, and it has been wonderful. Yes, a little more busy, but we would not have it any other way. Blessed and busy are two words to describe how I feel these days. You complete our little family, and 4 seems like a great number for us:)
You pretty much just sleep and eat a lot still, but you are starting to be awake more during the daytime. You LOVE to watch us, listen to us, and of course see your brother. You have 24/7 entertainment:)
You are a pretty strong little guy already! You hold your head up like a pro, and can push yourself up with your arms...its almost like you can crawl! You will start on one side of the blanket and move to the other in love tummy time, as long as its short.
You nurse on demand throughout the day, sometimes every hour, sometimes every 4, it really just depends. You will let us know when you are hungry, and sometimes you forget and sleep a lot while we are out. At night you go one long stretch from 7:30pm to midnight, and then Daddy gives you a bottle of pumped milk, and then you sleep until about 3am. Then you nurse every 2 hours after that....and you refuse to lay back down! You will only be held from 3am that's what time momma has been getting up. One day you will sleep past 3am in your bed! For now we are thankful that you take a bottle and sleep pretty good. We will see how I feel when I go back to work;)
You really are the loudest baby of all time. You grunt and grunt all the your sleep, when you are awake, all the time. Its so loud too! People will say, "Ohh he is going potty!" or "Oh, do you need to feed him?" or "Oh my, whats the matter?" HAHA I just smile and say he's a loud baby. Really though, I can hear you across the house.
You have already been on quite a few outings! Multiple grocery/target trips, gym class, lots of parks, children's museum, and soon the zoo...thats a lot for a not even one month old! You usually just sleep/eat/sleep the whole time...and rarely you want to be awake to see whats going on.
You are slowly learning to take the paci...its the only thing to calm you down sometimes...besides eating! If you had it your way you would eat every 20 minutes...and then vomit from being so we have to limit you! You are definitely a "spotty" baby, in that you spit up all the time! Its pretty sad too because it comes out your nose and makes you angry:( (this is why you can't eat ALL day long!) It is a good day when you and I both only go through 2 or 3 outfits!
That's it for now...more later:)
We love you little Austin!
Momma, Daddy & Gavin
PS. The last pic is a classic Austin put the side of your lip up, squint your eye, kinda like you are looking at us like we are crazy:)
Oh, and the cheeks. They are huge now. And yes, they have lots of acne...I try not to kiss them 400 times a day, but I can't help it...we have been assured that its normal newborn acne, not from the kisses:)