Thursday, May 10, 2012

{Austin 3 Months}

Dear Baby Austie,

Wow, three months. Time flies when you are having fun....and not sleeping! Well, you and your brother are sleeping...its the adults that are not getting much sleep around here!

You have really started to develop a little personality in this family. You are so easygoing, and only fuss when you want to eat, sleep, or change of scenery. You go with the flow, and love to be moving around. We keep busy watching and chasing your big brother, and you seem to like it.

You have started to smile and laugh. You are almost rolling over on to your belly. You will arch your back and it looks pretty close! You coo and talk all day long. If someone smiles at you? You will flash a HUGE grin back. Happy baby we call you.

You are nursing every 2hrs during the day...and for the past week, the same at night! You tossed out your long 6hr stretch of sleep, and decided to wake up and eat in between. Growth spurt? We sure hope so! You have stopped spitting up as much, as long as dairy is out of my system! I ate a sandwich last week that probably had diary in the bread...Oh man, big mistake! For the following 24hrs you had about 20 poops, and spit up like crazy. So no dairy here, and no dairy experimenting!

You are in size 3-6mo clothes, and some 6mo stuff too. Size 1-2 diapers. You pretty much live in onsies and bibs as the bibs are great for catching your "barf" as your brother says.

You really are such a happy baby. You rarely ever cry, and if you do, its pretty easy to figure out what to do. I wear you in the carrier all the time, and you just are so content being in there...most of the time I will look down and you will be sound asleep:)

You love your bath every night. You love to look around in the tub and you especially love when your brother washes you with soap:) You don't really love tummy time if it is longer than 3 minutes...that's the max you are happy playing on your belly. Sleeping on your tummy? You LOVE that, but I still won't let you sleep that way at night until you can roll over.

You went in the pool for the very first time this week. You got your very first swim diaper, swim shirt and sunhat. You even got sunscreen on for the first time. (Cali Baby chemical free) I tried to keep you out of the sun as much as possible, but its pretty tough with your brother! You LOVED to kick your legs in the pool...and of course you loved to watch the kids play in the water.

Your brother says to you every day, "I WUV my BRODDER" and he kisses and hugs you. You just smile at him and try to eat his face:)

We love you little Austie!


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