Monday, May 14, 2012

{Gavin 33 Months}

Oh Gavie,

Notice how every other month says "Dear Gavin" ? ? ?

Yes, Oh Gavin is all I can say!

Terrible two's??? We think so!

You have recently mastered the skill of throwing a tantrum, and you are the MASTER of manipulation. OMG.

We are working on what to do in these situations...but I think the key is to NOT give in to you...a hard thing when momma is so tired! So I promise we love you, and this is us showing you that:)

You talk a mile a minute from the time you wake up to the time you go to bed. You repeat any new word you hear, and you speak in phrases, sentences, and lots of demands! Your vocabulary is insane...shock us every day with new things. Lately it was "Momma, Davin calls the shots around here!" and "Momma is just gonna DIE when I show her this spider!" Oh yes, you hear it all!

You eat everything under the sun, and you are completely potty trained except for naps and bedtime.

You wear size 3T and some 4T. Shoe size is 9. Diaper size is 6. Such a big boy!

Although things have been rough around here lately, life is still so much fun with you. You make us laugh and smile all day long (minus those tantrums!). This definitely is a fun age as you are becoming so independent and can get what you want. I found you yesterday pouring your own glass of milk...yep, you used the step stool to get your cup, get the milk, and you did not spill an ounce. I was not really that surprised, as you are Mr. Independent!

Looking forward to a fun summer....we just joined a "Cabana Club" and are super excited to take you swimming:)

We love you Gavie!


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