Thursday, August 9, 2012

First big boy bike!

We are over the moon excited that Cincinnati Ma & Papa are here!!! They got in this morning, and both boys went with me up to SFO to pick them up. Gavin was super excited to "surprise" them at the airport, and even made them a sign to welcome them. 

After naps, we headed right to Toys R Us to pick out Gavin's big 3rd birthday present. He picked out a BIG BOY BIKE!!! He was so so so so so excited to learn to ride it, and him and Papa went all around the store learning what to do. It took all of 3 minutes, and he was tearing through the store, turning corners, and loving it. 

Right when we got home, Gavin and Papa built the bike and Gav got to ride it. We went all the way to Hacienda on it, and he did a great job. Thank you so much Ma and Papa!!!

(We forgot helmet the first ride around the block, but of course it is always on now)

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