Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Gavin 3 yr well check

Today Gav had his 3yr check up with "Dr. Topeland" (Dr. Copeland) :) Gav was actually very excited to go to the doctor, and was looking forward to it! We read lots about going to the doctor in CG and Winnie the Pooh, so Gav gets excited about getting the sucker after his shot.

Both boys had appt at same time, so it was easier, and harder! Getting them both undressed and weighed/measured was a task, but they were very good. 

Here are stats:
Weight-31lbs (40%)
Height-40inches (80%)
BMI-Not even on charts ;) 
Blood Pressure-95/57

This was the first time a BP was taken, and he was SO excited! That's what happens in WTP book, and Gavin always asks for it. 

Gavin told Dr. C about everything under the sun, and would not stop talking. He also asked her if she was going to give him the shot...about 10 times. 

Dr. C said that all is great with Gav. She said he looks very healthy, and is right on track with all his milestones. She said that its obvious that his speech is really great, as he did not stop talking her ear off, and she said she could understand all if it. I asked about him always talking in third person, and she said it was completely fine, that its normal and some kids do it until they are 4. 

Finally the nurse came in and gave A his shots, while G watched. Austin cried, and Gavin said "Davin wont cry when he gets a shot!!!" so he was next! He needed a Hep A shot, and he picked his arm and stuck it out. When she inserted the needle, he looked at me and started to cry, and said he "Does not LIKE THE SHOTS ANYMORE!!!!" He cried for about 10 more seconds until she gave him a box of suckers to choose from...instantly happy again!

He needs the next Hep A shot in 6mo, then he is all caught up to date. 

Next appt in a YEAR!

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