Saturday, August 11, 2012

Happy 3rd Birthday Gavin!

This afternoon was Gavin's 3rd Birthday Party! We had our family and very close friends over for a fun Curious George party:) All the kids had a blast, and loved the bounce house and cake of course. Of course daddy had a keg of beer for the adults, so we could have fun as well. There were TONS of babies there too. Gavin said that when he was blowing out his candles he wished for "a present" and his wish came true!

Kaleb was Gavin's first friend to arrive, and when he handed Gavin his present, Gavin said "Oh thanks Tayub (Keleb) but Davin already HAS a present!" It was super cute. I guess he thinks one present is enough...perfect for us!

Thank you to everyone for coming to help us celebrate! We are so lucky to have such a happy and healthy THREE year old:)

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