Thursday, February 14, 2013

{Gavin 42 Months}

Dear Gavie,

Today you turn 3 and a half! I can't believe that you will be 4 in just 6 months! Its so funny, when people ask how old you are, you tell them three while holding up three fingers...then immediately say that you are ALMOST four!

You sure are a little man of opinions...and stories...and a HUGE imagination! You have a story and explanation for everything...and I have no idea where you come up with these things.

Funny. You are so funny. You are Mr. social with everyone you come into contact with, and are the worlds most outgoing kid. Shy is something you are not familiar with. Just today while walking to the library, you stopped and talked to SIX people...they were just walking along minding their own business, and you would talk to them. You always end your "conversations" with "Well, you go on and have a good day now!" SUCH a little old man, so sweet:)

Easy. You are so easy to take out these days. My partner. You help with everything, and its so great. You have specific jobs to do while we are out, and you will not forget them. Super helpful.

You fix fix fix things. All day long. Your valentines box from Ma was filled with colored tape, a tape dispenser, glue gun and lots of other goodies. You took out the tape and glue gun, and have been busy working on projects all day long. So cute.

You are still doing great with your eating habits. You know that you do not get dessert until you finish your plate, and almost every night you do. Some nights you need to see the dessert (and be bribed) before you finish your plate, but it happens! Favorite foods are eggs, kale smoothie, cheese, turkey, milk, almond butter and jelly by the spoonful, corn dogs(veggie ones), mac n cheese, rice, pesto, and ANYthing sweet. You ask for dessert after every meal, even though you only get it once a day after sure try.

You are sleeping great at night as usual. You go in your bed at 8pm and get up at 6am. We don't hear a peep all night long.

Still in diapers for nap and night time...not much of an interest to potty train these times, so we may need to do a little encouraging. Your diapers in the morning are soaked to the max, so I am not sure how that will go! No hurry though, no big deal to us or you.

We weighed you this morning and you are 38 pounds. In size 4T clothes (some 3T pants, but they are very short!)

School is probably your favorite activity. Ok, it IS your favorite talk about it all day long, and you are so in love with everything about it. When I take you on Thursdays, you are just the busiest guy ever. Exploring and learning new things...its such a great place for you.

Gavin, you are such a sweet guy. You have your moments when you get frustrated with baby, but other than that, you are so good with him. You pick him up and move him when he wants to go somewhere:) You give him toys he wants. You tell me when he is sad and crying. Such a great big brother.

Thank you for being mommas little helper, and all that you do. We are so very proud of the little boy you are becoming.

Love you to the moon and back

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