Dear Baby A,
Today you turn four months old...and boy has time been passing fast. On one hand I feel like you were born yesterday, and another I feel like you have been around forever!
You are the worlds sweetest baby. You are so happy just watching everyone around you, especially your brother. You rarely complain, only if you are tired or hungry. When someone comes up to meet you, you just smile and smile and smile at matter what!
EVERYONE comments on the hair. I mean everyone. It must make you stand out a LOT because strangers all over the place will feel the need to come up and tell me how cute you are with your "full head of dark hair" Of course I know this already! Of course you just smile and squeal and coo at them...making them see how cute you really are.
You have been nursing very well these days. Every three hours. Sometimes more and sometimes less. Some nights are good, and you will sleep soundly waking up every three hours to eat....other nights are not so good. You will wake every hour and want to be held...and fall right back to sleep. Your momma and daddy are pretty tired...and we are fearing you have developed a serious case of "not being able to fall asleep on your own..." just like you brother did. Totally my fault....I hate to hear you cry, and I won't let you! We take it day by day, and hope for sleep in the future!
Your daddy is still giving you a bottle every night around 11 or 12, and you sometimes take 4 ounces, and sometimes only one. Just depends on your mood I guess. You MUCH prefer fresh breast milk over the frozen/thawed stuff. Very picky eater! I go back to work in a month, so you will have to get used to the frozen/thawed stuff whether you like it or not;)
You are a very healthy little guy. No issues at all, and as long as I steer clear of dairy, you are perfectly happy. You have had one very tiny cold, and it did not bother you much besides the stuffy nose. We hope you have your brothers strong immunity too.
You move, move, move. Roll over ANYtime you are placed on your back. You need to be strapped in ANYthing we have (stroller, carseat, bouncy seat) because you will arch your back to try to roll out of it! We put you to bed at the bottom of the bed and you wake up at the top...once you are on your belly you will kick your legs so hard that you move forward. I have a feeling you will catch up to your brother in no time!
About two weeks ago (3mo 2wks) you started to grab for objects/toys and bring them to your mouth. You will concentrate very hard, drool all over, and suck on whatever you get. Including fingers, oh you love to suck on hands and fingers! Of course I really don't like this unless its MY own hands that are JUST washed...of course! Your favorite toy? Its Sophie the giraffe AND your Whoozit ball. We don't leave home without these two things! Oh, and I forgot about your blankie. I got you your very own AllyZabba blanket and "blankie" that match. The small one is super soft, and you love to cover your face with it and of course suck on it! It stays in your bed, and you know when you get in bed you get to rub your face in it:)
Explosive poops. Need I say more? Oh MAN they are explosive! Right out the sides, front or back of the diaper. Larger diapers? Does not matter. You are so squirmy that the poop goes everywhere no matter what. Our washer and dryer is never off!
You are in size 6 mo clothes, size 2 diapers, and I think about 15 pounds. Very solid boy!
Baby A you bring us so much joy, and we are beyond blessed to have you in our lives. We thank God each and every day that we wake up to your smiling thankful to have you. Can you please stop growing up so fast though? I wish time could slow a little...
We love you SO much baby Austin!
Mamma & Dadda