Thursday, June 14, 2012

{Gavin 34 Months}

Dear Gavie,

Today you turn 34 months! Yes, you and your brother are growing up so so fast! I still can't get over how OLD you seem now. You are SUCH a little boy, and no longer a baby at all!

You are Mr. talkative. All the time. You talk to everyone and repeat everything we say. We really need to watch what we say around you.

You are the worlds best big brother. You are nothing but sweet to your brother. We thought we might deal with some jealousy stuff, but we have yet to! You help with baby, and you entertain him all day long. Thank you for always being so good to him, we are so lucky! You always need to help change will remove the old diaper, and tell me if its poopy or not. Then you get the wipes and wipe his bottom. You also go get the "barf rag" when baby spits up. You also get his paci if he is fussing. You HATE to hear him fuss and cry, and you stop whatever you are doing to make him feel better. You will sing to him, dance for him, and give him toys. Like I said, you are the worlds best big brother.

You are still eating very well and sleeping very well. Go to bed at 8pm and get up at 6am. We can't remember the last time you woke up in the middle of the night. You nap from 1 to 3 every day. You are in size 3T clothes, and completely potty trained except for naps and bedtime. Like I said, you are such a big boy. You are Mr. Independent, and we are very lucky that we only have one baby in the house!

Your favorite activities include going to parks, playing in sand/water/mud/dirt/rocks, painting, coloring, stamps, cutting stuff with scissors, putting scotch tape all over things, stickers, mowing the lawn, washing the car, pressure washing things with daddy, edging, iPad games, balance bike riding, running, picnic lunches outside, swimming, going to Hacienda school to play every night, bike rides with daddy to go see the ducks, Curious George anything, reading 100 books a day, and so much more. You are the absolute busiest kid I know!

Gavin, thank you for being you. Thank you for taking such great care of your brother. Thank you for making us smile and laugh all day long. You are the light of our lives...we love you so so much.

Momma & Dadda

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