Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Birth Plan=Healthy Baby

Every week I get a million emails from different pregnancy websites and I got one today about birth plans. I thought it might be interesting to put this together and see what it looks like. I know that birth plans rarely ever play out the exact way you wish and things always come up...I know this to be true because I see it all the time at work. BUT I thought it would be fun to at least document what I am looking for if everything goes well. The main points that I feel strongly about are:

-Wish to avoid C-Section unless medically necessary
-Wish to have 2 peripheral IV's placed in case one fails (Yes, I am a nurse)
-Wish to avoid any labor stimulating drugs such as pitocin
-Wish to labor as long as I can and when ready, to have an epidural (No "other" pain meds until the epidural)
-Did I say epidural? I mean this one. I hope no one tries to talk me out of this. I do not do pain very well
-No students, interns, or residents...Thankfully where I am delivering there are none because it is not a teaching hospital. (I obviously believe in teaching, I had to learn as a student once too...but not for this situation! This is why I have good insurance:)
-Wish to have the baby with me/us as much as possible, and have exams/assessments done in the room. If baby needs to leave, Derek or Grandma(s) will go with him at all times
-Wish to breastfeed formula or paci's

In the end I just wish to have a healthy baby and for this I will do whatever needs to be done...We can completely forget the "plan" if needed! Birth Plan is for healthy baby!


  • I would like to be free to walk around during labor.
  • I wish to be able to move around and change position at will throughout labor.
  • I would like to be able to have fluids by mouth throughout the first stage of labor.
  • I will be bringing my own music to play during labor.
  • I do not want an internal monitor unless My baby has shown some sign of distress.
Labor Augmentation/Induction
  • I do not wish to have the amniotic membrane ruptured artificially unless signs of fetal distress require internal monitoring.
  • If labor is not progressing, I would like to have the amniotic membrane ruptured before other methods are used to augment labor.
  • I would prefer to be allowed to try changing position and other natural methods (walking, nipple stimulation) before Pitocin is administered.
Anesthesia/Pain Medication
  • I realize that many pain medications exist. I'll ask for them if I need them.
  • I would like to have a standard epidural.
  • Unless absolutely necessary, I would like to avoid a Cesarean.
  • If a Cesarean delivery is indicated, I would like to be fully informed and to participate in the decision-making process.
  • I would like Derek-My husband present at all times if My baby requires a Cesarean delivery.
  • I would prefer not to have an episiotomy unless absolutely required for My baby's safety.
  • I would appreciate guidance in when to push and when to stop pushing so the perineum can stretch.
  • If possible, I would like to use perineal massage to help avoid the need for an episiotomy.
  • I would like Derek-My husband and/or nurses to support me and my legs as necessary during the pushing stage.
  • I would like to have My baby placed on my stomach/chest immediately after delivery.
Immediately After Delivery
  • I would like to have Derek-My husband cut the cord.
  • I would like to hold My baby for at least 15 minutes before (he/she) is photographed, examined, etc.
  • I would like to have My baby evaluated and bathed in my presence.
  • I plan to keep My baby near me following birth and would appreciate if the evaluation of My baby can be done with My baby on my abdomen, with both of us covered by a warm blanket, unless there is an unusual situation.
  • If My baby must be taken from me to receive medical treatment, Derek-My husband or some other person I designate will accompany My baby at all times.
  • I would prefer to hold My baby rather than have (him/her) placed under heat lamps.
  • I would like to donate the umbilical cord blood if possible.
  • I would like a private room, if available.
  • Unless required for health reasons, I do not wish to be separated from my baby.
  • I would like to have My baby "room in" and be with me at all times.
  • I plan to breastfeed My baby and would like to begin nursing very shortly after birth.
  • Unless medically necessary, I do not wish to have any bottles given to My baby (including glucose water or plain water).
  • I do not want My baby to be given a pacifier.
  • I would like to meet with a lactation consultant.
  • I would like My baby to be circumcised before we check out of the hospital.
  • My support person(s) is/are (support people) and I would like them to be present during labor and/or delivery.
  • I would prefer that no students, interns, residents or non-essential personnel be present during my labor or the birth.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

28 Weeks and THIRD Trimester!!!

I can't believe that I even just typed those words...third trimester!!! I can't believe that I have just entered the last trimester of pregnancy already! Just last night Derek and I were talking about how we can't believe that it has been SEVEN months already! Time is really flying by now:)

From this point on I will be going to see Dr. Jaki every two weeks until week 36 and then I will go every week until I am due. I just went to my 28 week appointment today, and it went really well. I gained 6 pounds in the last 4 weeks, for a total of 20lb weight gain! (Ha! And I thought I would never gain weight!) My fundal height is 28cm, which is right on target! We listened to his heartbeat and it sounded great:)

I have officially become the belly touching target at work...where everyone wants to touch my belly! Its actually kinda funny to me because I don't mind at all, I just think its neat how people are so curious about what it feels like:) Everyone keeps saying it looks like I stuffed a melon up my shirt and everyone wants to feel! Most people ask if they can touch but not the patients!!! They just start touching and asking questions...really cute! There is one very special 5 year old patient that I have taken care of off and on for the last two years, and I got to see her this week when she came in for a check-up. She always comes up to the floor to "visit her nurses" when she is at the hospital. It is always such a joy to see her, especially when she is healthy and able to show off the fact that she is:) She came to see us the other day and I saw her just as I was walking towards the elevators. She came running to me with her arms wide open yelling "There's my nurse Michele and her baby who loves me!!!!" She gave me a big hug and told me how well she was. It is always the best feeling to see my patients healthy! (About a month ago when she was in the hospital and sick, she was sitting on my lap one day and she got to feel the baby move. Ever since then she would always tell people that the baby loved her because he moved when she talked to him...such a sweet girl:) This is one of the many reasons I love my job.

Over the long weekend Derek and I were able to get the baby nursery cleared out and able to set up the crib! (Well Derek set up the crib, I just helped hold things;) I have always looked forward to the day where Derek and I would put together our babies bed...I know it sounds kinda corny but it is something I have always wanted to do:) Thanks babe for doing all this work, especially with a sore knee! I realize that we will not be using the crib for a while but I just was so excited to see it all together, especially with the new bedding inside!

Everything just seems to be working out and I have been so thankful. Sometimes I think that it is all too good to be true...I got to marry my best friend and have the worlds best husband...We were able to buy our first home together where we will start our family...we have the love and support of our amazing families...we were blessed with this pregnancy and my and the babies health...what more could I ask for? I really thank God each and every day that I am so blessed. I know that there are so many people out there who are not as fortunate, and I don't want to take one day for granted.

Now on to baby Moore's activity...It is non-stop! He is always moving around and ready to show off his moves when anyone wants to feel! The only time I don't feel him moving around is when I am up moving. As soon as I am sitting he is all over the place! I feel most of the jabs and kicks on my right side, so it must be his little legs:) Derek is able to feel him a lot now too:)

Baby Development This Week:
Baby is now around 2 and a half pounds and about 15 inches, the size of a Chinese cabbage. Baby is busy gaining body fat to prepare for the outside world. His eyesight is rapidly developing and he even has eyelashes now:)

Saturday, May 23, 2009

And the belly grows...

12 Weeks
16 Weeks
21 Weeks
27 Weeks


Yesterday I decided that our house was way overdue for some spring cleaning...way overdue. So I spent almost the entire day getting the house nice and clean...and of course organized! When I was finished I looked around and realized that some of the rooms throughout the house are already being taken over by baby stuff! I thought I better capture what the house looks like "pre-Baby" because it may never look like this again! (Please excuse some the bare walls and unfinished decorating...even though we moved in a year ago, we are still in the process of decorating...Oh and its been 8 months since my mom was here helping me get things decorated. I am pretty sure I will wait until she is here again to help me, as I am clueless and need the help with this stuff:)

Kitchen (Still in the middle of some remodeling, notice the missing door in the kitchen cabinets!)

Not really sure what this room is called yet...Its right off the kitchen and we use it as the Dining/Living/collector of baby stuff room!

Family Room

Guest Bathroom (Will be baby bathroom too!)

Master Bedroom


And last but not least....The Nursery!!! Right now it looks like an explosion of baby stuff...and that's exactly what it is! We are in the process of getting this room organized!

I thought I would throw in some of the pretty yard too! Here is the front yard and patio...One of my favorite places to sit in the sun!

Friday, May 22, 2009

27 Weeks and growing belly:)

Today I am 27 weeks pregnant:) Oh how the time flies when you are feeling good! I have been feeling him move around more and more and now not a day goes by that I don't feel him multiple times:) He seems to be responding more and more to noise and movement. For the last week at work I have been taking care of a cute little 3 week old baby girl who just had heart surgery...She is just so sweet and loves to be held. She loves to snuggle and lay on your chest on her belly...and that's kinda hard with my belly, so I just let her drape across my belly while I am sitting at the computer to chart...and she loves it. Well, she was not the only one! I swear that every time I do this baby Moore starts moving around...a lot!!!

This week Derek and I ordered a few of the "big" baby items that we will be needing. We bought the crib and the breast pump! We are trying to make sure we have the basic stuff that we will need and these are 2 very important ones! We got the Graco Sarah Lifetime 4 in 1 crib that will eventually be a toddler bed and then a full size bed, and its so cute! It is rated one of the safest cribs and has a lot of great reviews. We also bought the breast pump that I will be using...quite a bit especially when I return to work. I have heard from a LOT of nursing moms that the Medela "Freestyle Hands Free" pump is great and they all love it. It is a hands free double electric pump that is digital and very will be great to take to work because it is so small. It is one of the more pricey pumps, but I know it will be worth it when I am working 12 hour shifts and needing to pump maybe 2 or 3 times throughout the day. I wanted to have this when the baby is born as well because there is always a chance that I may need it while the baby is getting used to feeding...(learned this from Erica and baby G!)

Baby Development This Week:
Baby now weighs around 2 pounds and is the size of a cauliflower:) (Feels like that too!) Baby is opening and closing his eyes and even sucking on his fingers:) Baby can also have the hiccups now, although I have not felt them yet.

Friday, May 15, 2009

26 weeks ~ 6 1/2 months pregnant!

I am now 6.5 months pregnant and getting bigger and bigger every day! I am starting to notice that even some maternity clothes I bought a month ago are already feeling snug! Yeah, I thought they would last the whole time, boy was I wrong! I am back now from my trip to Ohio and back into the swing of things here. I had such a great time last week and I am so thankful for such an amazing family...

Yesterday I went to the Dr. office to have my blood drawn for my glucose tolerance test, and I hope I passed because I ate some cereal before I went...It says that you should not eat anything sweet before the test but I was SO hungry and had not had breakfast! I guess we will see!

Baby is moving around all the time and I am beginning to notice some patterns to him being awake. He starts off by waking me up around 4am with some squirms and continues until I get up. He moves enough to wake me up, but I am able to fall back asleep for a few more hours. Then hes up again around 9am and he stays active for a little while! Then I don't notice him moving very much until the late afternoon (probably because I am moving around so much during the day). Then the most active time is in the evening around and after dinner. He is bouncing around everywhere! This is when we can see my entire belly moving around:) I have read that the patterns that baby's have in-utero at this point are usually the patterns that they have for the first few weeks after they are born. (Until I get him on a better and more convenient schedule...hehe yeah right:) 

I have also noticed him reacting to sound more and more. When is a moving just a little and I start talking to him he will start moving a lot more. When Derek talks to him he will start moving. I also know what noise he does not like...The other night we went to Derek's parents for dinner and Derek was playing with Smokey the dog...Smokey started barking (High pitch loud bark) and I could feel the baby tense up! My entire belly tightened up and it just felt funny! Baby also does not like the fire alarm at work. We are always having "practice" alarms and this last one caused the same tense reaction...Sorry little guy!

Baby Development This Week:
Baby is now inhaling and exhaling amniotic fluid, which is getting him ready for breathing on the outside. He now weighs around a pound and two thirds and is about 14 inches long, as long as an English hothouse cucumber (a really long cucumber:). His ears are becoming a lot more sensitive and he is now reacting to noise.  

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Baby Griffin turns One!!!

On May 7th baby G turned one! I still can't believe that it has been a year:) We celebrated his 1st birthday on Mother's day and had dinner over at Erica and Scott's house. Happy Birthday little man, I love you!

Seriously, how cute is he?!?!

Opening presents with help from his cousin Olivia:)

He was not really sure why we were all singing to him...look at that face!

He loved his cake!

And he loved to share it with me too:)

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Baby Shower!

Last Saturday Erica and my Mom threw me a baby shower back in Cincinnati...and it was so much fun! It was a perfect day and I got to see all my family and friends...Thank you Erica and Mom! We played some really fun games, including guess the poop! I had never heard of this game, but it was a lot of fun! Erica put out a row of "dirty diapers" filled with melted candy bars to look like baby poop...Then everyone needed to guess what candy bar was in what diaper:) Another game we played was guess the baby object inside of paper bags. There were quite a few of them and I thought they were pretty hard! (Like the ear thermometer and baby orajel) Beverly (Gmas best friend) and Aunt Beth won this game...two smart ladies!

What a beautiful diaper cake! Thanks Erica!

Here I am opening gifts...We got some really cute things and some much needed gift cards to Babies R Us...Thank you everyone!

Derek's cousin Elizabeth (from Indiana) was able to make it to the shower with her girls and this is the gift they gave us...It was SO cute! The baby onesie had an Evergreen Valley College logo on the front (Where Derek trains the college teams) and on the back it had MOORE 09! Too cute! Thanks guys!

It was a really nice baby shower and I am so happy we were able to do it. It is hard to be so far from everyone and I am really happy I got to spend the afternoon with family and friends. Erica is so amazing for making this happen the same weekend as Griffin's 1st Birthday and Mothers day. Thank you Erica for being the best sister in the world:)

Friday, May 8, 2009

Fun with G + Mom + Erica!

Here we are at the Cincinnati Zoo riding on the train...Griffin loves the zoo and loves to watch all the kids around too!

Here we are with the Lions...We were really trying to get G to say "rrooaarr" and he is just smiling:)

Here is the happy little man at the park...