Friday, May 8, 2009

25 Weeks in Cincy:)

Today makes me 25 weeks pregnant! I am sitting at my parents house in Cincy right now:) I got here on Wednesday night and am staying until Tuesday. My Sister is throwing me a baby shower on Saturday with family and friends...and I am SO excited! It is always so nice to be in town and see everyone...wish I could do it more. On Sunday we will celebrate Mothers Day and Baby Griffin's 1st Birthday!!! I still can't believe that he is already one!!! He is just so cute and I have LOVED getting to spend time with him! Yesterday we went to the Cincinnati Zoo and he just loved it! He is such a happy baby and loves to be the center of attention. He is doing SO many new things since the last time I saw him, including walking all over the place! He is not very shy anymore and will just look at you am smile...he is so sweet:) One very cute thing he does (OK, well I may be the only one who thinks this is cute, but that's because I am his aunt:) is when he is finished eating he will spit out his food and then look at you for a reaction. The first time he did this I started laughing...big mistake! Now every time he does this he looks at me with these big eyes and a small little grin;) Oh I just can't help but laugh! (I really try not to Erica:) Today Mom and I are watching Griffin while Erica gets things ready for the shower and goes to work. I just put him down for his morning nap and he snuggled with me while I sang him some songs right before. When he gets tired he starts rubbing his eyes and puts his head on your before his nap we read some stories and I sang him a few songs. He turned towards me and hugged me with his head on my chest...Ah, so cute!

Back to baby updates:) Baby has been kicking a lot lately and Derek has been able to feel him many times! It is usually at night when he is most active, and Derek gets to feel him move. Derek will put his head close to my belly and talk to the baby....we get some pretty big kicks when this happens! Since I have been home my Mom, Erica, and Paige have all been able to feel him kicking...he is already showing off;) Other than that everything is pretty much the same. I have had a few sleepless nights because of some painful heartburn, but I am trying to stay away from too much greasy food to try to avoid it! I guess it is getting me ready for the sleepless nights I have ahead of me! I do have to say, I have not been good about the greasy food while here in Cincy...yesterday we had LaRosa's pizza for lunch, Skyline chili for dinner, and Greater's ice cream for desert! Mmm how I miss these foods:)

Baby Development This week:
Baby is around a pound and a half and 14 inches long...the size of a rutabaga (Yeah, I had to look that up!) He is starting to gain some baby fat around his lean little body:) He is starting to grow more hair on his head too! He is now aware of loud noises and will react to some...We already know he responds to Derek's voice:)

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