Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Gavin in his GLORY!

Today we got to take Grandma to the Children's Discovery Museum! This is one of Gavin's ultimate favorite places to go...and he really shows it. We started the day with G taking a 2+ hour nap, and waking up in very good mood! We picked up some McDonald's so we could eat a little something in the park before we went into the museum. The park is right outside the door of the museum, and there were bulldozers working on some things, so G was so happy to watch while we ate. Funny story about lunch--We were eating and there were some pigeons nearby, but not bothering us at all. Gma kept saying how much she does not like them, and she hopes they stay away....well they did not! Gavin was SOOO excited to watch them around us. Gma? Not so much. She even jumped up on the bench because she was scared they might get too close to her. HAHA! We finally threw them some french fries, and then about 5 more appeared:) Again, Gavin loved it.

Once in the museum, Gavin showed Gma all of his spots. The baby area with balls, blocks, toys, books, lights, sounds, music time, water play, mirror(that he kissed himself in;) sand table, Bob the Builder, tools, cars, trucks, rock climbing, tunnels, and LOTS more. G was, as I say, in HEAVEN. It was pretty fun to watch G and Gma have so much fun together:)

Oh, and did I mention that G got some french fries with lunch? This is one sure way to make him a VERY very happy little man.


  1. Looks like such a fun day! I love the smooshy face against the mirror, Kekoa did that same thing when we went!

  2. looks like you guys had sooo much fun! love gavin in that blue smock!
