Now You...
-Run everywhere
-Say Bye-Bye (Buh-Buh)
-Go down the slide by yourself
-Shake your head side to side to say no
-Say Stink (Sssssttt!)
-Give Big Fat Slobbery Kisses!
-Hold one of our hands while you walk (not for support, just because you want to)
-Don't mind when your friends take your toys from your long as you find something else to play with
-Love to go to bed with your blue blanket and paci
-Are a wild, beautiful, energetic, curious, demanding, sweet, engaging, sometimes impatient, and very affectionate toddler!
You Still...
-Are my baby
-Smile at everyone you see
-Are as curious as ever
-Nurse 4 times a day
-Love to cuddle
-Have a serious passion for food
-Like to read, only one page at a time!
-Are a non-stop lil man all day long
-Make your Mommy and Daddy the happiest parents in the world:)
so sweet! did you say toddler? seriously, how is that possible! time flies!