Wednesday, September 15, 2010

The day with 3 kids under 3

Today Gma and I watched the three kiddos while Erica went to work. Gavin and Griffin are so adorable together, and all they do is copy each other. Well, actually it is just Griffin who copies Gavin, but it is so cute! If Gavin puts something in his mouth, so does Griffin. If Gavin runs in a circle, so does Griffin.
We took the kids to the Lunken "land of make believe" where they got to play on the swing sets, jungle gyms, and lots of other stuff. It was a lot of work, and consisted of me and gma chasing both boys around while holding Annabel. Annabel, of course, was as perfect as ever and never made a peep. Between chasing the boys, and feeding them lunch, it was a busy park day. As soon as we got home it was hand washing, clean up, feed Annabel bottle, and NAP TIME FOR BABIES! We got all three down for a nap....Sheesh! Then we talked about we don't know how people like the Dugger's have so many kids! (Or even 10 kids for that matter!)
It was such a fun day, and we are so glad we got to help with Griffin and Annabel one day. Gavin has SO much fun with his cousins and Grandma...Of course, this makes me HATE living so far away from them.

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