Tuesday, September 14, 2010

{Gavin 13 Months}

Dear Monkey G,

Today you are 13 months old. I am calling you monkey G because you are all over the place. Climbing, running, walking backwards, running in circles, getting into everything, and "talking" all the time. We have no idea what you are saying, but you sure are talking. You love when I sing "wheels on the bus" and sometimes you will imitate the sounds I make.

You are very busy, and always thinking about something. You have an agenda all the time...and you don't like when things get in your way. You are also a very smart boy. If you get something that you should not get, and I hide it, you will look and look for it until you find it. You do not give up easily, and we love that about you. Maybe not so much when you cry in the middle of the night...at this time I wish you would give up and go back to sleep!

Oh Gavin, every day is a brand new day and you are so much fun. We love watching you grow, and are so blessed to have such a happy and healthy "baby." Yes, you are still my baby:)

Mamma and Dadda

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