Saturday, April 4, 2009

Just Praying...

A few hours after the ultrasound on Thursday, Dr. Jaki called me to let me know that they found something on the ultrasound that required further testing. She said that they found a “Choriod Plexus Cyst” in the baby’s brain and that it is not a cause for alarm. The choroid plexus is an area in the brain that makes fluid that nourishes the spinal cord and brain. Sometimes a pocket of fluid will develop there as a cyst. These cysts are seen in 1-3% of fetuses, and are not harmful to the baby. She said that I do need to have a level 2 ultrasound because sometimes this cyst is seen along with other abnormalities and she just wants to be sure. A level 2 ultrasound will look at the baby a LOT closer to make sure that every other organ and skeletal system is normal. Very rarely there is more than one abnormality, and that is a cause for concern. It could mean a few different genetic diseases, but it is unlikely. So after writing that down I feel a little better, but I am still so scared. I have not slept in a few nights and just feel sick to my stomach…I know that worrying about it will not help, and I am trying not to. I am very lucky to have Derek…he has remained so optimistic about all of this and it is really helping me. I can’t help but feel scared, but I know that this is in God’s hands, and he has a plan. I just keep praying that they don’t find anything else wrong. My appointment is on Tuesday morning so until then I am going to just keep praying.


  1. We are all praying with you yet also staying hopeful that baby Moore is perfectly healthy. Tuesday will make us all feel a lot better :)

  2. Shell, saying tons of prayers that baby M is ok! Love you
