Gavin is taking a *nap* right now, so I will try to make this quick! *Gavin's naps can last 5 minutes or 2 hours...just depends!
Here are his numbers:
Weight:14lbs 14oz - 50th percentile
Height:25 1/2in - 75th percentile
Head Circ:41cm - 25th percentile
Gavin's Milestones:
-Rolls over, turns head all directions, stands with arms held, sits with arms held.
-Holds toys, brings them to his mouth, pulls at clothes, hair, skin(ouch!), plays with hands ALL THE TIME.
-Babbles, coo's, laughs, squeals, groans.
-Follows objects and faces.
-Prefers 100% of your attention, cry's when you walk away, laughs and squeals for attention.
-Does not cry very much, unless there is a reason...bored, wet, hungry, or tired. Very easy to tell which one.
-Drools ALL THE TIME. I can't see teeth yet, but he gums on everything.
-Getting more and more distracted with noise/talking while nursing/taking bottle from Dad and Grandma. Needs quiet place to eat.
-Gets Breast milk almost all the time (99%), sometimes adding an ounce of formula at night to see if he will sleep longer...Does not work!
-He loves when we read, talk, sing, coo, make funny noises, and listen to music.
-He loves going for walks, looking at mirror, and playing with teething toys.
-He loves to eat ANYTHING you give him...burp rags, blankets, toys, sheets, ANYTHING:)
(yes, I sometimes give him the sheet from our bed while he is laying there so I am able to go to the bathroom! I also give him a little hand towel while I shower because he loves to suck on them...whatever it takes to make the lil man happy!)
We talked about Gavin's possible milk protein sensitivity, and how I am going to continue to avoid ALL dairy at this point. Dr. Copeland does not think I need to avoid all other possible allergens (wheat, nuts, soy, corn) at this point because we all feel that the sensitivity is a LOT better without the dairy. So we will give it more time and see.
Gavin has always had pretty sensitive skin, and sometimes has little breakouts on his body/face...We are not sure what triggers it, but it is some kind of contact dermatitis. The other night his legs broke out in what looked like hives, and we think it may be due to animal's...We were at Derek's parents right before it happened, and Derek had been playing with the dogs, then gave G a bath...(It is just a possibility at this was the only explanation as everything else we did was the same as usual). So, Dr. Copeland just said he probably has a sensitivity/allergy to pets, and this makes sense because I do too! (Just contact, not respiratory) (He must be used to am I) I think this just means we have to make sure we wash hands really well, and hopefully it will not happen again.
Dr. Copeland said G should not be needing any feedings throughout the night anymore, and he should be able to go all night. HA! I have been feeding him at least 2 times so that he would fall back asleep. Hmm. We shall see what happens if we don't feed him and *GASP* let him cry. I am not sure I have it in me to do this, but we will see. Derek may need to chain me to the bed to keep me from getting him when he crys!
Last but not least, Gavin got his shot (Pentacel) and DID NOT CRY AT ALL! I stuck the paci in his mouth right after and he took it like a champ!
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