Saturday, January 2, 2010

{Gavin 20 Weeks}

Did I just say 20 weeks? Wow, that sounds so long! Today baby Gavin is 20 weeks old. Just 20 weeks ago he was brand new and we were brand new parents. Tonight Derek and I were watching a TV show where they had a baby...and it brought back so many memories for me...I am just so thankful we have had this time together as a family and looking forward to what 2010 has to bring!

Derek and I decided that on new years day we were going to rearrange our entire house! I am not sure what we were thinking! We really wanted to move Gavin's room to the office because it is in the back of the house where it is a LOT less noisy. (The bad part about not having 2 levels in our home...the noise!) So, we moved the office out, went to home depot, and got 2 shades of blue to paint Gavin's room. Once the room was painted (Only took Derek 6 hours from start to finish) we decided that we wanted to make Gavin's old room a guest bedroom. (The way it was before Gavin was born) So, the office is the only thing left...and no more rooms! We decided that we would have the office area in our "Living/family/great room." We don't really use that room very much except for eating (Our kitchen table is in there) so it was perfect! I am not sure why we did not do this sooner...oh yeah, it is because I always wanted a "formal living room." HA! That was before I realized that we don't have that much space, and it is not very practical. Soooo That's what we have been doing the past few days.

Yesterday we made a trip to IKEA. Oh how I HATE that store. Or maybe I just hate the crowds...or maybe I hate the RUDE RUDE people. I swear, people have no manners when they are shopping there. I am getting off point, but it is such a crazy store. Then on top of the crowds, it is hot inside, I was wearing Gavin in the carrier and already had my jacket I was not about to wake him up to take it off. So, I was hot, in a huge store with a thousand pushy rude people. Not fun! BUT what was fun was the fact that we got some pretty new cool stuff for our house! Since we moved the office, we needed some type of shelving in the new office area. We got some really neat bookshelves to go beside the fire place. Then we got a storage shelf for Gavin's room (for his endless amount of toys...and he is only 4.5 months old:). It was a l o n g day, but the house looks pretty good now! It is kinda funny that we have lived in this house for almost 2 years and we are still decorating/organizing/figuring out where things go!

Gavin has been SO good all weekend, especially with all the work we have been doing. As long as we still pay a TON of attention to him, he is happy. (Not to mention that he has gotten to take some naps in the carrier...his FAVORITE way to sleep;)

At 20 weeks Gavin:
-Talks all the time
-Wakes up in the middle of the night and either cries or coo's
-Can almost sit up on his own
-Is teething...we can see tiny amounts of white on his bottom gums
-Loves to be held and carried
-Is doing a lot better entertaining him self for longer periods (Exersaucer, play mat, toys-toys-toys)
-Wakes up from his naps very fussy. Its kinda funny because he has no idea why he is fussing, and will smile at you while he is fussing:)
-Loves going for walks
-Grabs his toes and feet
-Rolls over EVERY time you put him down (back to front)
-Can almost roll from stomach to back
-Eats everything he can grab
-Is very interested in what we eat and drink. He sometimes gets to suck on my cup of water, and sometimes gets a sip. He flaps his arms and legs for this!
-Is loved so much by so many...

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