Saturday, October 22, 2011

Halloween Preview

Gavin's Ma ("Ninninnati Ma") gave him this costume for Halloween. He has been telling everyone he is going to be a "Dagon" (Dragon) for Halloween. Of course I told him it is a dragon long ago...turns out it is a dinosaur! Oops! Oh well, he still thinks its a dragon. He wore it for about 3 minutes, thought he was scary (Does he even know what that means?) and then he wanted it off. Since this night, he has been to THREE Halloween playdates, and has not wanted to wear it again. Actually, its funny, NONE of the 2 yr olds wanted to wear their costumes! Such a drastic change from last year....they ALL wore them and could care less:) I bet he will put it on again Halloween he will get candy, and this boy will do ANYthing for "Pecial Treats" (Special Treats:)

1 comment:

  1. What a scary dragon!
    That makes me feel better that Kekoa isn't the only 2 year old that won't wear his costume! :)
    Hope to see you guys soon.
