Thursday, June 11, 2009

30 weeks and bedrest

Today makes me 30 weeks pregnant, 10 weeks to go. It has been a pretty scary past few days and I am now on bed rest at home. It all started Monday afternoon while I was at work. I was feeling my belly tighten up every once in a while and thought maybe it was braxton hicks contractions. I ignored it for a while and then when I got home I told Derek that it was kind of bothering me. So I decided to try to sleep because I was only having them every few hours or so. First thing Tuesday morning I went to see the Dr. because the contractions started coming every 4-5 minutes. She confirmed that they were in fact real contractions and sent me to the hospital. Right away Derek got there with me and they put me on the monitors. I was in fact contracting every 4 minutes and they were pretty strong. They were not really painful but pretty uncomfortable. So right away the nurse gave me a shot of terbutaline to stop the contractions. It worked for a little while and then she gave me another shot a few hours later. The contractions had stopped so they sent me home and wanted me to start taking terbutaline by mouth every 4 hours to help keep the contractions gone. As soon as we got home at 12 I started having the contractions AGAIN very frequently, so we were instructed to go back to the hospital. The prescription was not even called in to the pharmacy yet and I was not supposed to take a pill for 3 more we drove back to the hospital. They again put me on the monitors and I was contracting again, so I got 2 more shots of terbutaline followed by a dose by mouth. They finally stopped coming at regular intervals so they just watched me for a while. They did a fetal fibrinectin test which tests me for this protein that acts like a glue holding the fetal sac to the uterine wall. If the protein is present then there is a high likelihood that I will deliver in the next 2 weeks, and if not then that's a good sign! THANK GOD that the test finally came back negative. They let me go home and ordered me to be on strict bed rest. Tuesday night was pretty uneventful, I had been having irregular contractions every hour or so and was taking my pill every 4 hours. When I woke up Wednesday morning they were back. Every 4 minutes. I freaked out, called L&D and they said to come in again. As soon as I got in the car they slowed down and as soon as I got to the L&D bed they were almost gone. It was a good sign but I was so confused. Obviously this has never happened to me before and I do not know what to expect, whats normal, and if I am doing the right thing. I was so scared. I am still so scared. So they yet again let me go, and we went straight to the Dr. office so I could see my regular OB Dr. Jaki. We went over everything and at this point I am NOT dilated and I am 50% effaced. I will continue to have contractions but as long as they are not painful and I can breathe through them then it is OK. She said that work is no longer an option and that I need to take it easy. So that's what I am doing! Or at least I am trying. I am physically taking it easy but its still very hard for me to not be scared to death. I know that everything is in Gods hands right now, but I am still so scared. I am so lucky to have Derek...he has been so amazing with me and has been treating me like a princess...all we want is to do whats best for our little boy. Derek's mom Dayle has also been an absolute angel...she has been driving us everywhere, doing errands, feeding me lunches, and helping out all the time...I am not sure what we would do without her, we are very lucky. I have my mom and sister just a call away, so hopefully I won't get too bored:) I know there are a lot of prayers out there for us and this baby and that means the world to really does. We just hope that baby Moore realizes how much we want him to stay in me and get a little bigger before we meet him!

Today is the first full day that I have been on bed rest and I have to say that I am already bored. I know that there are a million things that need to be done and I just sit here. I know that right now I have the most important job in the world...and that's keeping myself rested so that the baby can have some more time in me. BUT it is still hard to be all alone here and not really have anything productive to do. I have the TV, but there is only so much of that I can watch. Derek brought home a little laptop that I can use, which has been really helpful! I am not sure what I would do without the Internet! Other than that I have just been drinking a lot of water, taking m pill every 4 hours, peeing every hour, and eating whatever Derek or Dayle will get/make me! The hardest part is being so far from my family and friends. I miss my mom and sister so much and just wish they could be here. Hopefully this process gets a little easier as time passes.

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