Sunday, June 14, 2009

Bed rest day # 6

Today has been a better day around here. It has been pretty uneventful and I have been able to wean my medication down to every eight hours. Last night I woke up and got sick, and we are not sure why, but I think it has to do with the medication. I woke up this morning and took a pill...experienced regular contractions for 2 hours, and then it calmed down for a while.

Throughout the day I have been having contractions every once in a while, especially if I get up or move positions. So, I just try to stay put.

Now it is 7pm and its been almost 12 hours since I last took my medication. I am starting to feel the contractions now and they are becoming regular, so its time for some terbutaline! My goal is to only need to take it 2 times a day, and I hope this can work!

I have been on the couch all day watching movies...Derek has been taking care of me while he has been installing a new water heater:) Of course ours broke yesterday so him and his dad (Virgil) have spent the entire day putting in a new energy efficient one!

I hope tonight is better than last night, and I am able to get some sleep.

Thanks to everyone for all the well wishes and prayers...We really appreciate it:)

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