Friday, June 19, 2009

31 Weeks!

Today makes me 31 weeks pregnant! It has been 11 days since I was put on bed rest, and it sure feels like a lot longer! I have been having some good days and some bad days...just depends. I have not been sleeping very well due to the contractions...still trying to get used to it!

Other than the frequent contractions, I have been feeling pretty good, and my appetite is still the same...wanting to eat all the time:) We have been so lucky to have Dayle cooking us dinner almost every single has been such a wonderful help!

I am excited that it is almost the weekend because that means Derek is off work:)

Baby Development This Week:

This week baby weighs around 3.5 pounds and is the size of 4 navel oranges! He is able to turn his head from side to side and is moving around all the time.

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