Thursday, June 25, 2009

32 Weeks---8 Months:)

YAY 8 MONTHS!!! I am so excited that I am 8 Months pregnant! Only 8 weeks to go:)

Yesterday (Wednesday) I had my 32 week appointment a few days early because I was having regular (every 5 minutes) contractions all night Tuesday and most of Wednesday morning and afternoon. I called Dr. Jaki to let her know and she had me come in right away just to be safe. My weight was up, I am now +23 pounds for the total weight gain, so I was happy with that. Must be all the milkshakes Derek has been getting me:) Belly measured what it should, 32cm for 32 weeks. Dr. Jaki went to place the doppler on my belly to hear the heartbeat and Baby Moore kicked the doppler as soon as she put in on my belly...She laughed pretty hard and said she was confident hes moving enough:)

As for the contractions...They have been happening all the time. Only when they become regular for long periods of time do I get nervous...and that's when she wants me to come in to be safe. So far so good, and I have not dilated and am around 60-70% effaced...Effacement has changed in the last 2 weeks, but shes still not worried about that. So all in all it was really good news. I asked her how often she sees patients like me (Who start regularly contracting so early with no cervical changes) and she said she only sees this a few times a year...of course I am one of them! Go figure!

It had been 2 weeks since I had the Fetal Fibrinectin Test done, so Dr. Jaki wanted to do another one. (This is the test that predicts whether or not I will go into labor in the next 2 weeks...) And the test was NEGATIVE!!! (meaning I will not go into labor in the next 2 weeks:) We were SO EXCITED to hear this!!! It just makes me feel so much better about everything:)

Other than all that great news, I am still just hanging out on bed rest...being taken care of by Derek and Dayle:) They are both so great to me and they are making it so easy for me to do this job:) I really can't express how grateful and thankful I am for both of them...I am not taking one second for granted.

Last but not least, baby Moore has started this new habit of kicking me in the ribs all the time:) He is head down and his little legs (They don't feel little) are positioned on the right side of my belly right under my ribs. Every time he stretches or even moves, he jabs my ribs like they are in his way! I really need to watch out! Also, almost every night he gets the hiccups for about 5-10 minutes. I can feel them and see them on the outside...Just like his Dad because Derek gets the hiccups all the time too:)

Baby Development This Week:
Baby now weighs around 3.75 pounds, the size of a Jicama! (I had never had Jicama until a few months ago:) His length is around 17 inches, almost as tall as he will be when he is born:) He now has fingernails and toenails, and he is still gaining lots of baby fat each week.

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