I feel so good to be writing the number 34!!! It has been a pretty long month and I am so thankful that everything is still perfectly fine.
I am SO excited that in only 3 weeks Mom will be here!!! I am just so excited...and when she gets here I will be 37 weeks...and I am hoping I will feel a little more comfortable moving around more. At this point I am so used to these regular
contractions, I am sure another month will just make me more used to them. I just hope I am able to tell when they are really causing me to go into labor! (I am sure I will!)
Contractions still the same...I have been taking the medicine about once every 24 hours. The longer I wait in between the medicine, the more effective it is to control the
contractions. So that's how it has been. I wanted to be completely off of it, but I am just miserable with regular
contractions after a day, and I start to go crazy...and there is no need for that! I read this today and it made me feel so good... "If you've been nervous about
preterm labor, you'll be happy to know that babies born between 34 and 37 weeks who have no other health problems generally do fine. They may need a short stay in the neonatal nursery and may have a few short-term health issues, but in the long run, they usually do as well as full-term babies." (From
Ahh, reading this makes me so much more relaxed:)
Had an appointment today with Dr.
Jaki, and
pretty much all is still the same. I am up 2 pounds again this week...yikes, I am really putting on the weight now! Then Dr.
Jaki listened to the heartbeat and all sounded perfect. When she measured my belly it was 37cm, bigger than expected at this point:) I am now officially 1cm dilated,
which at first freaked me out, but then I realized that its OK, lots of women stay 1cm dilated for weeks and weeks. So I am trying not to let that change upset me too much. Trying. Then at the end I did another contraction stress test, where they measure the baby's heartbeat in response to the
contractions. Another PASS! The regular
contractions (I had one every 3 minutes) had no effect on little ones heart rate:) So all in all it was a good appointment. I asked Dr.
Jaki what she thought about the odds of me staying pregnant for another 3 weeks (That's when Mom comes:) and she said maybe about 50/50...
Sheesh not the best! So I will do my best, and stay put on my rear end...
This past week has been pretty uneventful...I have had a few visitors from work and they brought their babies...so cute! I was in heaven holding my friend Laura's 5 week old baby Nicolas:)
Other than that I have just been doing the usual...TV, movies, lunch almost every day with Dayle, books,
facebook, organizing the office(a task I can do while sitting). Oh, and of course a lot of phone talking:) All I can say is I am so thankful that Dayle comes over to help out with everything around the house...it is so nice for Derek to be able to come home from work and not have to worry about that stuff. I am not sure if I have mentioned, but I really think one of the hardest aspects of
bedrest is thinking of all of the stuff I need/could be doing, and not being able to do it. Cleaning/cooking/laundry/shopping....Its hard not being able to do these things!
Baby Development This Week:Baby is now around 4 and 3/4 pounds (size of a cantaloupe:) and 18 inches. He is still putting on his baby fat and preparing for the outside world. This picture shows exactly the position of his legs...except for his little legs must be longer because I swear they are all the way up to my lungs!!!
***Prayer request
A friend of mine from work who had a baby a few months ago just found out that her baby is sick...and will need to be in the hospital for possibly a long time...I have been sick over the news, but I know that all I can do is pray...so if you feel led, please pray for her and her little one...They really need the prayers.