Dear Gavin,
Can I keep you this age forever? You are so much fun, and every day brings new adventures. I am getting a little sad that you are becoming a big boy so fast.
I love when you grab my hair and try to eat it
I love when you stand on your own and then cry for me if I am not by your side
I love when you wave to others
I love when you "tell"me you want more food
I love when you make your "stink face" for no reason
I love when you chase the ball around the house
I love when you kick your legs when I say "dance, dance, dance"
I love when you laugh for no reason at all
I love when you cry to me when you want me to pick you up
I love when you play with your daddy
I love when you wake me up in the morning with big wet slobbery kisses
I love when you try to stand up in your car seat and stroller, only to get very upset when I tell you "no"
I love when you get very excited when you see a dog out on a walk, and squeal with delight
I love when you smile at everyone who tells you "you are the cutest baby in the world"
I love when you hug me when you are tired
I love when you play with other babies
I love when you study something with a very serious face
I love when you concentrate so hard, and drool because you are doing so
I love when you snuggle with me when I sing to you
There is nothing that I don't love about you
I know that this time that you "need" me is not going to last forever. I am so lucky to be your momma, and want to remember these days all my life:)
You always bring tears to my eyes with your sweet notes to Gavin! I'm sure he has his own list of LOVES for YOU as well!!! You truly are treasuring every moment : )