Thursday, June 10, 2010

Standing and Throwing!

How is my BABY standing up all on his OWN, ALL the time? I have no idea how this happened! One minute he is crawling around the next he is standing up, bending down, looking all around, and then moving to another spot and doing it all over again! He is SO proud of himself when he stands, and just smiles. Then when he gets tired of standing and not moving, he will shout to us, meaning he wants our hands so he can walk. If we walk away, he will yell at us and wave bye-bye:)

The next thing that Gavin has started to do is throw things. He can throw the ball, and then he will chase it. He will also throw things out of the stroller while we are walking. I kept thinking that maybe he did not mean to throw his pacifier out...then I realized after a few times, that he was doing it on purpose. Each time I would hand it back to him, he would giggle. Oh, he is so freakin cute:)


  1. oh my! you have a BIG boy on your hands!!! pretty soon you'll be chasing him around the entire park! congrats gavin...good job : ) and yes, he is so freakin cute!!!

  2. He is getting SO big SO fast.

    Love Aunt Debbie
