Tonight we had dinner with Angie, Danny and Kaylin over at their house. It was our first summer BBQ! Gavin just crawled around the house "showing" them what they need to baby proof! Ha! He went straight to all the cords, outlets, phones, ipods, computers, and tv stuff...go figure! While he was busy exploring, I was able to spend some time with baby Kaylin...and I got her to laugh so much! I love this age, where they think anything and everything is funny...she was ADORABLE! Her laugh is so contagious and so cute...If G would let me, I would spend hours playing with her:)
During dinner G was pretty good...he sat in Kaylin's high chair, and then crawled around after dinner so we were able to talk for a little bit.
Thanks for the great time guys!

Anytime!!! We had a great night and Kaylin LOVED spending time with you : ) We'll do it again soon!