Saturday, April 14, 2012

{Gavin 32 Months}

Dear Gavie,

I know, 32 months sounds nuts, I can't believe that I have been writing you a letter each month for 32 months...seems so so long!

Oh Gavin, how fun it is to be your momma! Not a day goes by where we are not always smiling and laughing all day are hilarious!!! You are such a soak up everything people say, and then you say it. You think you know what it all means too. Love it.

You are such a chatterbox. Talk a mile a minute from the moment you wake up to the moment you go to sleep. Your vocabulary amazes me, and I sometime learn facts about bugs and nature from you! Yes YOU! You know more than momma!

You are still a great sleeper and you go to bed at 8pm and get up at 6:30. You nap from 1 to 3. No complaints here! The first thing you say when you wake up is "I wanna see baby Austie!!!"

You also continue to be the worlds best eater too. You love swiss chard tart, muffins, smoothies, cheese, berries, eggs, pasta, mac n cheese, chicken, soy hot dogs, milk, and ANY sweets. You will pretty much eat anything we cook, minus the veggies. Those need to be hidden:)

You wear a 3T in everything, and you can no longer fit in your 2T shirts and pants. Bummer, thats what all your summer T-shirts are!

You continue to be completely potty trained except for nap and bedtime when you wear a diaper. You have not had an accident in months, and tell us when you need to go. I can't remember the last time I asked you if you needed to go have proven that you got this down!

You LOVE LOVE LOVE your brother. You say you can't wait for him to "play" with you. I can't wait either! You help with all the stuff we need to do with baby, and are very patient when you need to be.

We experienced your very first real two year old melt down the other night. You were upset about needing to come inside and take a bath...and you laid in the empty bath and cried for 15 straight minutes. You even were hitting the bathtub with your hands...YIKES! You eventually stopped screaming when we ignored you, and then you forgot why you were even crying. Hopefully that does not happen again for a long time:)

You still love school, and love to try new things do every single activity, and don't slow down for much. We continue to go to the museum once a week, the zoo once a week, and gym class once a week. You like to keep busy as always, and are always on the go. As busy as you are, you also love to chill out if we are reading books...your favorites are still Dr. Seuss, Curious George, and my very favorite, Each Peach Pear Plum! You LOVE this book!!!

You have also mastered the balance bike pretty nicely! We are SO impressed! You side that thing so so fast, and we have to run behind you. You will go down hills, and turn corners like a professional. You even say "Im prosessional" when you do something tricky:)

Oh Gavin, we love you so much. Thanks for making us smile all day long:)


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