Sunday, April 1, 2012

"Thats common"

me-Gavin look! There are LOTS of snails on the sidewalk!
G-Thats common mama. They were wet, wet, wet in the grass, so they crawl, crawl crawl to the sidewalk to get NICE AND DRY MAMA!
me-Oh wow, I did not know that!
G-Yes mama, its common. They need to be DRY.

Gavin is such a chatterbox. He talks to ANY and EVERYone who will listen. Anytime we are out, he stops to tell people where we are going. Or that we "are going" somewhere. Gardeners, mailmen, people playing tennis at the park, people walking dogs...he will talk to anyone. He will also tell people at the park to play with him! When he is chasing daddy or playing hide-n-seek, he will tell the nearest adult or big kid to "Come help Davin find DADDY!!!!" Its hilarious to watch him be so incredibly social with everyone. He is definitely not shy at ALL. He loves anyone who will give him attention. He acts like a daycare child, and he totally is not! (People often ask me "Is he in daycare all day? He is awfully friendly with everyone!!!" I tell them no, I am home with him...we just have one social toddler!)

Gavin is now an expert at the balance bike. We take it everywhere, and he is so good! He goes so fast, we are usually running behind him. He also turns corners so well...barely slows down, and knows how to put his feet up and balance around the corner while steering. Seriously, he is crazy and we love it! Its so much fun now to go on walks....lots of entertainment! I am getting back in shape FAST now:)

Routine, routine routine. Gavin loves his routines, and you better not mess with them! He will let you know if we "do it the WRONG way!" and he will show you. Bed, bath, meals, play, walks, ANYthing he has a routine with, he needs it to stay that way! So funny...sometimes I will try to put him to bed (Daddy's usual job) and I will do something "wrong" and Gavin will tell me. "No, first turn off hall light, THEN say goodnight, thats how we DO IT!" Oh man! Or Daddy will try to give him a meal a certain way, and he will correct Daddy on how he served it to him..."Waffle goes on THIS side Daddy!!!" Jeez, get it right!

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