Saturday, April 7, 2012

Hidden Villa Farm

Today Gavin had a field trip with school to Hidden Villa Farm in the Los Altos hills. It was a beautiful drive up the hills, and Gavin was so excited to "see all the animals!!!" He had talked about the field trip for days.

Once we pulled up, he heard the cows, chickens, rooster, and frogs. He could not WAIT to see them all. Hidden Villa is a beautiful organic farm, tucked in between the Los Altos really is a neat place.

We toured all the animals, and Gavin got to pet each one, and feed some too. Chickens, rooster, cows, pigs, sheep, and "baby lammie" too:) He especially liked the chickens that were laying eggs. We got to pick a dozen eggs to bring home, and he was SO thrilled about that. Another favorite part was petting the cow. All the other kids were too scared and shy to pet this enormous cow...but not Gavin! He went right up, and was stroking his back and neck...and then he wanted to see "his bottom" so we looked. He announced that this was where the cow "has poo-poo come out!" HA! He also really liked to pet the cows bones on his back....not sure why? Silly guy. Kept saying "He has BIG BIG BIG BONES mama!!!" 

Lastly we toured the garden area and got to sample a lot of the fresh produce and herbs. Gavin tried most of it, and then spit most of it out in my hand, telling me "Davin don't like it much Mama...too spicy!" His favorite thing was the oats. We got to pick some oat grass, and try the oats. I told Gavin that this was the oat that we eat in our steel cut oats. He went up to each and every one in the class (adults mostly) and told them "This is the OAT that Davin eats in his STEEL CUT OATS EVERY SINGLE MORNING!!!!!" He was so fascinated and so excited about this...neat to see where our food comes from.

What a fun day at the farm! Gavin was so good, and such a good little listener and follower to the tour guide...he was right behind her the whole time, and mainly talked to her the whole time...:) He was first in line to try things, and if he was not first, some of the other kids would look to see where he was so he would try it first...and THEN they would try if he did. These kids are so cute!

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